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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 154

Chapter 154 

After breakfast, Madeline sulked for a while, and Gavin had to coax her. Although Gavin had no classes that day, he drove Madeline to school. An SUV had replaced his flashy sports car

Madeline was puzzled “You love to stand out. Why switch to this car?” 

This one’s better,” Gavin replied casually as if he hadn’t just picked it up several days ago

The car’s interior was cute and sweet. Moreover, the salesperson had said that the vehicle was perfect for women

1it even had seat warmers and a compartment for warming drinks

As Madeline buckled her seatbelt, she felt the warmth spreading through her seat, Cozy, she leaned back, reaching for a bottle of her favorite yogurt in a cup holder

Madeline was surprised that the yogurt was already warmed to the perfect temperature. This car doesn’t match your usual style at all, she mused

Different times call for different cars, Gavin didn’t elaborate on the research he had done. It wasn’t something someone like him, a sunny, carefree young man, should be concerned with

Gavin was scared that fretting over those small details might make him seem petty to Madeline. He needed to be the dependable 

kan on 

she could 

Madeline crossed her legs, her eyes narrowing comfortably. This car you picked this timeit’s nice. Reclining her seat into a relaxed position, she tilted her head and noticed a small vanity mirror above

As Madeline pulled it down, a soft chime rang out. Ding dong! Hello, Maddie, this is your exclusive mirror” 

Madeline blinked in surprise. Huh?” 

Meanwhile, Gavin scratched his head sheepishly. It’s a smart feature. You can activate it here. It’s to, you knowprevent someone else from sitting in your spot” 

Though Cavin would never let anyone else sit in Madeline’s exclusive spot, the salesperson had insisted that personalizing was the best touch. He didn’t want anyone taking Madeline’s seat

git for the lady of the car 

How much did this car cost you? Madeline asked curiously, her eyes scanning the rest of the interior, then noticing the careful touches. It’s impressive. Maybe I’ll get one for myself, too,” 

This was custommadeyou can’t just buy it as you wish, Gavin replied, smiling Besides, you already have me as your driver. Why 


Madeline shot Gavin a sideways glance. Will you be my driver forever?” 

Thy do you need

company.He chuckled. We 

Of course,” Gavin answered without hesitation. Even when I die, I’ll be buried right next to you, if you don’t mind the comp can even share a grave if it’s not too cramped for you.” 

You’re planning too far ahead, Madeline teased. “I plan to live a long, healthy lifeShe smiled faintly at Gavin. And you, Gavvy, should do the 


“I promise I wont die before you do. Gavin said

Why Madeline asked curiously

If you grow old and sick and can’t get out of bed, I’ll take care of you myself until you peacefully leave this world.Gavin sighed softly. I just can’t hear to leave you alone

He continued, So, I’d rather selfishly live longer than


you.” As Gavin spoke, he gently ruffled Madeline’s fluffy hair, affection brimming in his every 

Madeline felt a warmth spreading through her heart as she gazed at Gavin’s profile. Though he could be playful at times, he was always sincere. Thanks. I’ll try to live long, too, so we can be old 


Cavin’s lips curled into a playful grin Does that mean you want to grow word, and we’ll head to the City Hall now” 

grow old with me. Maddie? If you want a kind, handsome husband, say the 

Madeline’s clocks Hushed. I don’t believe you! You, sly jerk 

Chapter 154 

Soon, they arrived at the school parking lot. Madeline was about to head out for a photoshoot, but Cavin tugged at her sleeve as soon as she grabbed her things

With puppy eyes, Gavin looked at her pitifully. You’re just going to leave like that?” 

What else am I supposed to do?Madeline replied, glancing back at him

Gavin pointed to his cheek. Just a small gesture, and on this chilly day of 39 degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll warm my heart up to 98 degrees Fahrenheit. One small act of kindness to brighten a lonely boy’s entire day.” 

At a loss for words, Madeline turned away. No. Go find someone else to warm your heart

Well, well, Maddie.Gavin clicked his tongue, his hand resting on the steering wheel, eyes locked onto Madeline with a smirk. With that one sentence, you just threw away ten years of good karma.” 

Like 1 care.Madeline laughed as she hopped out of the car, slamming the door without a second thought. Through the window, she waved cheekily at him

Gavin, not missing a beat, called out. It’s colddon’t tough it out! If you’re freezing, my heart’s the one that’ll suffer Madeline almost tripped right there, turning around to glare at him before rushing off

parking nearby and heard Gavin’s words

Meanwhile, several mentors and professors were parkin 

Among them was Madeline’s counselor, Christopher. He cleared his throat awkwardly, muttering to himself, Youngsters these daysCan’t they tone it down with the flirting?” 

However, Christopher couldn’t help but glance at Gavin, the top student. Last month, Gavin had published a paper in a prestigious journal, and the mentor overseeing him was overjoyed

Gavin, a freshman, had already received a special treata relaxing break from class from his mentor. The Faculty of Chemistry was worried about wearing out the rising star

Soon, Gavin would join the postgraduate labs for research. Christopher, as a counselor, had a postgraduate degree. However, at 28 years old, the gap between him and Gavin, who wasn’t even 20 yet, felt colossal


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