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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 

Winslet had been extra cautious lately, keenly aware of Jasmine’s fate and determined to avoid a similar downfall. She stayed out of trouble and kept her distance from Madeline. Now, on the verge of reaching her goals and leaving Acaceste behind, she knew she couldn’t afford any mistakes

Her face had healed well, but each morning, looking in the mirror brought a wave of discomfort. There was still some swelling, and her once charmingly rounded face had been reshaped into a more defined, oval shape

Her nose 

had been refined and her eyes reshaped, but it was her sore lips that troubled her most. Even sipping water was painful

The nurse, Rory Ray, stood by, preparing her medication. Ms. Larson, you’re recovering well. Don’t worry,Rory said

Feeling a mix of frustration and unease, Winslet asked, Rory, do you think I looked better before or after the surgery?” 

Rory hesitated before responding with a reassuring smile. You look much better now. The surgery was worth itDespite Rory’s reassurance, Winslet felt even more distressed. She had always been beautiful in her own right and didn’t want to feel like an imposter with a face that didn’t truly belong to her

Mr. Horton is coming soon. Do I look presentable?Winslet asked

You’ve be 

healed a lot,ko 

Kory replied with a nod. With a bit of makeup, you’ll be just fine.” 

Winslet began applying makeup to shape her features to resemble Madeline’s. She then selected a dress from Madeline’s old wardrobe and put it on. This dress is so cheap and uncomfortable,she muttered

Sometimes, late at night, when she caught a glimpse of her reflection, a wave of disgust would wash over her. She hated this new faceMadeline’s facebut knew it was necessary for her future. After finishing her makeup, she studied herself in the mirror

She was about 60 percent thereclose enoughbut her facial muscles still didn’t move quite right due to the surgery. Winslet practiced Madeline’s expressions daily, convinced she was improving

Downstairs, Winslet spotted Layla, Sharon, and an unfamiliar woman sitting on the couch. A wave of nervousness swept over her. Mom, Aunt Sharonshe greeted politely 

Sharon smiled and gestured for her to come closer. Winnic, come over here

The unfamiliar woman, Emma Horton, looked puzzled. Winnie? I thought her name was Madeline” 

Her former name was Madeline, but she goes by Winslet now. Winnie is just a nickname.” Sharon said smoothly, her expression unwavering despite the lie. I thought the old name didn’t suit her, so I decided to change it. Winslet seemed more modern and fitting for her.” 

Okay. Emma nodded, seemingly convinced. She then pulled out a check and handed it to Winslet. Here, a liule welcome gift. Buy yourself something nice

Winslet’s eyes widened when she saw the amountit was in the millions. She nearly lost her composure but managed to stay calm as she handed the check back. Mrs. Horton, I can’t accept such a generous gift. She had to maintain the appearance of a lady of quality

Emma insisted. Nonsense. Take it and buy yourself a car 

As they chatted, Emma glanced at Winslet and tilted her head slightly. You looked much thinner in the photos, What happened?” 

Sharon quickly interjected. Winnie’s been so busy taking care of me lately that she’s put on a little weight. She’s such a devoted daughter. Then, she thought. I’ll make sure Winslet starts a diet tomorrow.” 

Emma smiled. Health is important, too. It’s clear that she’s a caring person, taking such good care of her family” 

She turned to Windles. Nick speaks very highly of you. He’s quite particular, you know. When you marry him, we’ve already set aside a mansion in a prime location in the capital for the two of you. Once you have time, you can meet with the designer and discuss the interior.” 

Winslet blinked in stunned disbelief as Emma added, And we’ll transfer the house to your name. Now that Nick has completed his studies and you’re both starting a family, my husband and I have decided to hand over the family business for both of you to manage.” 

Even though the company is valued at 1 billion dollars, if you manage it well, we’ll grant you shares in it.Emma’s words hair Winslet like a bombshell. Even at the Larson residence, she had never encountered such wealth

Her hands trembled slightly as she processed it alla 2 million dollar gift to buy a car, a 1 billion dollar company to manage, and a mansion in the rapital with her name on the deed. Winslet felt as though she were floating on air. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined such ailluence She thought. Who cares if I didnt

1 do well in school or have a fancy education? I’ve won, and I’ve won big Winslet stammered. MMrs. Horton, İs 

12:13 PM 

Chapter 138 


These are what you deserve. We handled our other children’s marriages same way,” Emma said nonchalantly. The union between the two families would bring great benefits, and she was focused on making sure everything went smoothly


She clearly adored Nick and was ensuring his marriage was flawless. While the marriages of her older sons were arranged by the family. Nick’s was different he had chosen Winslet himself

After Emma left, Sharon looked at the excited Winslet with a knowing smile. See! I told you the surgery was worth it.” 


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