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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175 

Madeline stepped out of the lounge and immediately spotted Lucas filming nearby. His phone was ringing nonstop, and even the crew began to grow irritated, sneaking glances at the screen. Madeline glanced tooit was Layla calling. She stayed quiet

When Lucas finished the scene and approached, Madeline was holding his phone for him. His heart warmed at the gesture. Madeline, do you want some coffee?he asked, his tone gentle

No,” she replied curtly, her voice cold. Lucas gave a faint smile, undeterred, and picked up the phone, only to see his mother had called multiple times. He hadn’t been in touch with his family for a while and had no clue what was going on at home

Just then, the phone rang again. Clancing at Madeline. Lucas frowned and walked away to answer. Mom, what’s going on he asked, his ton lacking any warmth. He was careful not to let Madeline overhear, trying to avoid stirring her resentment toward Layla

After all, Layla had treated Madeline with such collness in the past. Lucas had been deliberately avoiding any family topics to spare Madeline from feeling guilty

Lucas, something terrible has happened!Layla cried, her voice shaky and chantic sounds filling the background. Winslet tricked Joel into borrowing 2 million dollars from loan sharks! We sold everything just to cover it” 

Now, more creditors are coming forward, saying Winslet used Joel’s social security card to take out dozens of small loans! Our platform alone is around 40,000 dollarscombined, it’s hundreds of thousands more!Layla’s voice broke as she explained the dire situation 

Originally, Thomas had planned to sell off family assets to cover the initial debt, hoping to leave something for Layla to live on. But with more debt piling up, there was nothing left. Worse still, they were in debt. Layla was devastated, never imagining Windler would go in far and leave Joel in such 


How could this happen!Lucas yelled, his frustration boiling over. 1 warned you before Winslet isn’t the same person she used to be! Stop treating her like some innocent girl!His anger was palpable

Lucas, enough! We know we messed up, but what are we supposed to do now? The loan sharks are threatening to sell Joel off to cover the debt. Do you have any money to help him? Layla begged, her desperation clear

Lucas sighed heavily, feeling defeated Joel’s blind trust in Winslet had brought nothing but disaster. He’d dragged the entire family y into this mess expecting his brothers to clean up after him

Mom, 1 don’t have much left. I’ll send you my savings10,000 dollars. That’s all I can give.” Lucas said, sounding helpless

Layla was stunned. Only 40,000 dollars? You’ve spent more than that on a car before! Lucas, you can’t just turn your back on your brother now,she protested

Mom, do you think we’re still living like we used to?Lucas shot back. He only had a few hundred thousand dollars in savings, and giving 40.000 dollars to Joel was the extent of his kindness

This is all I have. I also bought a small condominium for 160 thousand dollarsif we have no other option, take it and sell itHe scratched his head in frustration, knowing this was the last of his resources

Not far away, Madeline watched Lucas, noticing how stressed and tense he appeared. She guessed he had just heard about 

ut his fami 

family’s collapse On the other end, Harley likely lost his job thanks to Winslet’s interference, and he was forced to give up his savings because of her. Frustrated, he had gone on vacation to escape it all. Meanwhile, Henry’s car dealership was thriving, but he spent his days at a chapel praying and unreachable 

Jacob, bedridden, was merely a livein soninlaw now, unable to contribute financially to aid his brother. Layla eventually fainted from the stress of their situation, only to pass out again after seeing the 200dollar hospital bill

When Lucas left the film set, he couldn’t bring himself to ask Madeline to accompany him to the hospital. After all, his family had once showered Winslet with love while treating Madeline poorly. It would be too shumeless to ask for her help now, given the state they were un 

At the hospital, Layla grabbed Lucas as soon as she saw him. Lucas, Madeline is our only hope now. Do you know where she is she asked desperately, She’s wealthya few hundred thousand dollars is nothing to her. If she helps us. I’d do anything for her 

Lucas pulled his hand away, his voice cold. Mom, what are you thinking? Do you remember how we treated Madeline Especially youyou even deducted her living expenses. When her grandpa needed money for a lifeaving surgery, where were you? And now, you want her help just because she lus mury! No way

He looked at Kayla with a mis of disappointment and helplessness. Lucas would rather throw himself off a building than ask Madelier for helps Sighing, he asked, Have you even figured out how much debt we’re in?” 

Layla hesitated na 

Cadmitted, The bank is still calculating, but it’s more than 120 thos 

12:16 PM 


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