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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 190

Chapter 190 

Calls wasted no time on his way home. As soon as he finished his tasks, he hurried back. The house was unusually quiet, and the familiar figure he expected on the couch was nowhere to be seen 

With furrowed brows, Caleb asked. Where’s Maddie, Mrs. Ziegler?” 

Ms. Larson is resting upstairs.Sarah replied

Has Eugene left!Caleb asked

Sarah shook her head. He’s still upstairs.” 

With a sharpened gaze, Caleb was about to head up when Eugene descended the staircase with a smile. Caleb, you’re back? Perfect timing. Wanna go to the supermarket with me?” 

Caleb had no interest in such a trivial task, especially not with Eugene. It was not in his plans. Besides, the idea of shopping with another man was particularly unappealing

Caleb, you’re not avoiding me his teasing tone

because you’re worried Maddie might fall for me, are you?Eugene smiled, his mischievous nature showing through 

Eugene was handsome enough to stir trouble, with a mind full of schemes. For someone like you, who always wins, this seemsbeneath you. Unless, of course.. you think you might lose to me?” 

Caleb sneered, Stop playing games. Let’s go

Eugene followed, saying casually, “I need to buy some special detergent to wash out bloodstains. Since I’ll be the one doing the laundry, I don’t want Maddie to think I’m not thorough” 

Caleb’s jaw clenched. You’re washing what?” 

You know.Eugene smiled with feigned innocence. Nowadays, boyfriends do their girlfriend’s laundry. It’s pretty normal, right? Especially someone like meIm all about taking care of my wife” 

Eugene paused, eyes twinkling as if he’d caught himself in a slip. Oops, future wife. I mean. But it’s easier to just say wife, isn’t

On their way, Eugene talked endlessly, always saying things that could rile Caleb up. When they arrived at the mall, Eugene headed straight to the jewelry section. Caleb’s patience was hanging by a thread

The sales associate, noticing Eugene’s striking looks, greeted him with a bright smile. Hello, sir. Are you buying something for the lady at home?” 

Td like to see some couple rings, the kind for loversnothing too flashy, but valuable enough.” Eugene stood tall his very presence enough to command attention 

The sales associate quickly brought out diamond rings, and Eugene pointed at a pair. These. Let me try them. After trying them on, he raised his hand to show Caleb What do you think, Caleb?” 

Caleb glanced dispassionately. What do you think!He was clearly uninterested

These will do, Eugene decided, then gave the sales associate the size for the other ring. My wife’s size.” 

Eventually, Calch couldn’t ignore it any longer. How do you know Maddie’s ring size?” 

Caleb.Eugene sighed dramatically, making sure everyone nearby could hear. We’re brothers. How about letting Maddie go? It doesn’t look good for us brothers to be fighting over the same woman.” 

Especially since we’re already buying rings. Can’t you accept reality? With his usual charming but infuriating smile, Eugene seemed to revel in provoking Caleb

Caleb sneered and threw a card onto the counter. I’ll take everything in this case. Anyone who sells him a ring can kiss their bra anger was obvious, his words left no room for argument

brand goodbye. His 

Ha..Eugene shook his head helplessly, looking as though he was truly at a loss. Money? It’s just numbers. He twirled the diamond ring in his fingers, lifting in toward the light with a mocking anik

But you’d better think is brough. You’ll have to shut down the store no matter 

The sales avocate’s emotions were on

er which one of us you offend todayEugene added

e on a wild rollercoasterone moment she felt like she was in leaves, and the next she was plunged ins 

Cupter 190 

Seeing to wealthy men come to the jewelry counter at a supermarket seemed oddly downtoearth. However, the situation quickly turned bizarre 

The sales anciste glanced nervously between the two men, unsure of who was more dangerous to offend. When the manager arrived, he was equally bewildered

Gentlemen, let’s take a moment to talk this through,” the manager suggested carefully, eyeing both men. Why don’t you each buy a ring of your choire and let the lady choose which to accept” 

This was a lastditch effort, but the manager had no other option. How will the lady know your feelings if you don’t express them? You wouldn’t want to miss your chance, would you?” 

Calch lowered his gaze and selected a simple, elegant pair of rings. Meanwhile, Eugene’s choice was more whimsical, clearly designed for a girl with a youthful heart

After the two men paid for their purchases, they left one after the other

The sales associate heaved a sigh of relief, clutching her chest. That was terrifying! But seriously, two brothers fighting over a woman! And the older one’s after the younger one’s girl Unbelievabler 

This was bound to become the hot gossip at the counter. The manager frowned. Didn’t you recognize them?” 

Huh!” The sales associate was puzzled

The brooding one, that was Caleb Simmonsthe toptier tycoon who’s been on TV. And the other one must be someone important too, just riot as famous,” the manager explained

A toptier rycoon?The sales associate gasped, covering her mouth in shock. What had started as a typical soapoperaworthy drama had now escalated into something far more grand and elite

I wonder which woman is lucky enough to have two handsome, rich men fighting over her,the sales associate added

That very woman, the one now envied by many, was fast asleep under a cozy blanket 

Night had fallen at the Larson residence. Thomas had returned home, looking utterly defeated

Henry couldn’t bear to see Thomas in such a state, so despite his reluctance, he sold off part of his car dealership, managing to raise over 800 thousand dollars to cover Joel’s debts


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