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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 

Shirnn sad nervoudly, Laura, this is Mr. Eugene Sharp.” 

Laura sneered, Well, I’ve never heard of any Mr. Sharp. There’s no such person ranked in Japrium” 

Laura had been working for Ruth for many years, making her almost like a coleader in the household. As a result, her status was clearly distinct from that of onlinary servants

laude and out, all the servants listened to Laura

So. Laura carried herself with a bit of authority

Laura glanced at Eugene and Madeline and said, Ms. Larson, unruly people like them should be kicked out with a stick

According to the old rules, breaking family rules meant kneeling without food or water in the chapel for three days!” 

Laura, please don’t,” Sharon said, rubbing her forehead, wishing she could just vanish and escape 

e it all

Sharon sighed and thought to herself, Can’t you all just shut up?” 

Sharon didn’t dare upset Ruth’s trusted side. After all, Laura had been with the Larson family for decades and was almost like family

Sharon also avoided upsetning Madeline and Fugene because she knew they were influential 

Now, Sharon truly felt she was facing a dilemma

Having once navigated high society with ease, Sharon never thought she’d find herself in such an awkward situation

While Sharon was frustrated, Vanessa was absolutely thrilled


Vanessa suppressed a smirk and said, Madeline, this is what sets you apart from the elite families. Here, no one will really care about yo 

You might think you’re special, but you don’t realize it’s others who have the real power and influence

“Even if you’re leaning on a man, it doesn’t really count as your own skill” 

Vanessa was sarcastic 

Ter deep down, she hated Madeline

Vanesa endured both physical abuse and humiliation, while the person she had feelings for, Eugene, was taken away by Madeline 

Thinking about it, Vanessa quickly added to stir things up. Mr. Sharp, you’d better not associate with her much

She’s just a woman who only cares about power and money, not worth 

Madeline tilted her head and asked, Really?” 

Eugene seered, Did I ask for your opinion!” 

your care” 

Vanessa believed that Eugene felt defeated and couldn’t accept that Madeline was disloyal. She thought he must not have seen Madeline’s true 


Vanessa wondered. Madeline is probably scared of Grandma. She came here with Eugene to avoid being too timid

So Vanessa still had hope for Eugene. If she 

e could expose Madeline, Eugene would definitely change his mind

By then. Eugene would know that Vanessa was the best choice

Wearing a moccasin and exuding a sense of superiority, Vanessa stated, Even if Madeline doesn’t acknowledge that she climbs the social ladder with the help of men, we all know it deep down

Mr. Sharp, being around someone like her will only harm your reputation.” 

Eugene was already feeling annoyed by such words

Vanessa kept saying the same few lines, without anything new

Eugene was well aware that Madeline had many men around her, but it was different from what Vanessa thought 

Eugene’s expression was ley, and his normally cheerful eyes went cold and intense

Chapter 209 

ngue so you can ne 

i can never speak again.” 

Eugene warned. If you dare speak ill of Madeline again, I won’t hesitate to cut out your tongue so 

Hearing this. Vanessa couldn’t help but shiver at the threat 

She felt sad, but when the thought about the risk to her tongue, she wisely kept quiet 

When Eugene became serious, he looked really intimidating

Vanessa had no doubt that Eugene was definitely capable of carrying out his threat

Madeline sighed and said. Forget it. Eugene, let’s go

Staying here any longer is just a waste of time 

Then Madeline walked to the door

From behind, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs and Vanessa’s sweet voice calling out, Grandma, weren’t you taking a nap? What brings you down

Madeline is about to leave. She doesn’t want to meet you. It seems she’s not very sincere

She’s just calculating” 

An elderly voice filled with disdain interrupted, Hmph, young people today are so impatient. They arrive late and act as if they’re in a hurry to leave. As juniors, they should show patience and wait for their elders

be present in you.” 

None of the longstanding traditions of the Larson family seem so be 

Laura quickly moved to assist Ruth and said, Mr. Larsen, weren’t you tired! Why skip your nap today? You might get a headache later

Ruth chided sarcastically. If I don’t come down now, how would I see such spectacles? That Layla is truly out of her depth, and her daughter is just like herl 

Pretty faces with the brains of a rock and no manners to speak of 

People like them should just get out of the Larson family before they ruin our atmosphere and disrupt our price!” 

Hearing this, Madeline suddenly stopped

She hadn’t even faced Buth to say a word, yet she was already being criticized as if she was worthless 

The way Ruth ulked was really harsh 

Madeline turned her head, looking at the mean elderly figure dressed in linen, leaning on a cane 

The glasses perched on Ruth’s nose sagged dightly, her drooping eyelids hiding half of her eyes

Ruth’s lips were tightly pressed, corners turned down, making her seem very difficult to get along with

Madeline said, Mrs. Larson, if I’m not mistaken, it was you who invited as to the Larson residence

What, have you forgotten due to your age

Did we beg to come here?” 

Seeing Madeline get furious, Eugene quickly put an arm around her shoulder and said with a smile, Madeline, don’t bother with the elders; we should respect them. After all, with her looking so grim, who knows, she might not make it through the night to see tomorrow’s sun” 


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