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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 211

Chapter 211 

le would be Might, Madeline called her grandparents. It was noisy on the other end, which felt odd to her. Usually, after eight, the elderly couple getting ready for bed. Why is it so noisy there today? Madeline wondered. Curious, she asked, Grandpa, Grandma, do you have guests over 

embarrassed to say it outright

Helena paused for a moment, Madeline, in.Helena hesitated, feeling 

Frank sighed. Let’s not talk about it. We don’t want Madeline to worry

Helena felt the same way

The more Madeline listened, the stranger it felt, until she heard a familiar voice from the other end of the line. It was Layla 

Madeline froze.Grandpa, Grandma, are the Larsons with you?” 

The elderly couple fell silent. After a moment, Helena said, Madeline, don’t worry. They’re much better now, they’ve changed

They really didn’t come with any particular motive, I swear

I didn’t tell you because I was afraid you’d get upset the moment you heard about it.” 

Frank also chimed in. Yes, don’t worry about it. It’s nothing” 

But how could Madeline not be worried! She still remembered vividly how the Larson family used to bully and mistreat her grandparents. She wasn’t the kind to forget puin once the wounds had healed

Madeline’s tone grew heavier. Grandpa Grandma, if they dare to cause trouble, don’t tolerate them

The Lanions aren’t what they used to be. They’re struggling and not as powerful as they once were

If they dare to bully you, just let me know right away” 

Her grandparents agreed verbally, but deep down, they fel helpless. Madeline was studying far from home, all on her own with no one to lean on. Since they couldn’t be of much help, they definitely didn’t want her to worry about them either. Besides, the sudden arrival of the Larson family didn’t really bother them 

Helena comforted Madeline, Madeline, it’s getting cold now. You should go to bed early

In the city, you keep the air conditioning on at night, right Make sure to ventilate the room and be careful with electrical appliances catching fire. I won the news that…. 

Frank couldn’t help but cut in, Christmas is just around the corner. Let’s try to keep things upbeat

Madeline, go to bed early and make sure to dress warmly” 

After hanging up, Madeline felt a heavy weight in her heart. She looked at her phone, wondering what the Larson family was up to. Why weren’t they staying in their own home during Christmas and instead going to someone else’s place to bother others? She rarely encountered people who were so bothersome. Feeling cold and frustrated, Madeline went to bed early that night

Early the next morning, she took the highspeed train back to the countryside with Eugene 

Bobby had just returned from a busy trip. Seeing the empty villa, a hint of resignation crossed his face. Normally, he wore a distant and aloof expression, so this fleeting emotion was unusual for a lone sage like him. Alas,he sighed

Looks like I’m late again.Bobby shook his head. He had just visited Ethan, spending a few days in Fasting at the chapel. As a result, he had missed the chance to see Madeline again

Bobby worked at the National Painting Academy, respected by many for his gerale, reserved nature. The only person in Phantom Organization with a similar temperament to his was Ethan

Years ago, Ethan left the Phantom Organization, and during his travels, he passed by the largest chapel in aprium. There, he caught the attention of a parish priest and almost became a Christian disciple. Erhan had great spiritual potential and could have become a devoted follower of Christianity. However, he felt that, given his past with violence, merely setting aside the butcher’s knife wouldn’t make him a true Christian Instead, he traveled extensively, scullying in various places and embodying the spirit of an ancient port, acquiring a bit of knowledge in many felds. This is why Bobby would visit him during the holidays

The name Ethan was geen to him by his family. He was born into the Xuereb family, one of the Top Ten Families, However, he got lost as a chuki wod was taken into the Phantnis Organization. Laser, when the Xuereb family found him, he chose not to return to inherit thar family business but instead devoted himself to Christian ideal like a saint detached from the mundane world, extremely pure and serene 

Zor saw Bobby and greeted bom, Mr. Dalian, you’re here.” 

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Chapter 211 

Bobby smiled lightly, took out a Bible, and said, I heard you’ve been reading the Bible recently, so I happened to come back from the chapel and got you a new one from Ethan.” 

Zoe was flattered. Looking at Bobby’s smooth and slender hands, she bowed sincerely. Thank you, Mr. Dalton.” 

Is Mr. Xuereb not coming down the mountain for Christmas this year?she asked

Bobby shook his head. He said that time is meaningless in the mountains, and he doesn’t care about holidays

He might just spend his whole life up there.” 

Bobby didn’t see this as a bad thing. After all, a life free of worries and attachments was a good one. He smiled softly. Is Caleb not around

Ethan asked me to check if his rosary beads are damaged. He’s made a new set from the rosary pea seeds in his courtyard, which would be perfect or Caleb

Coe sighed. As servants, we don’t usually ask about the masterswhereabouts.” 

Do you know where Madeline is?Bobby asked

Zoe nodded. Yes, Ms. Larson said she was going back to the countryside to visit her grandparents. She asked me to prepare some special gifts from 

prium to bring with her

She’s probably already on the highspeed train by now.” 


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