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The Remorseful Brothers novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81 

Madeline and the boys from Phantom Organization went to a restaurant on the back street of their school for a meal. Walking together, the group looked like a beautiful scene from the movie.. 

Madeline took the menu, looked through it, pointed at several dishes, and asked, Do any of you have dietary restrictions?” 

Gavin propped up whatever you order, Maddie.” 

his chin and looked at her with a smile. No, I’ll ear 

Should I order some grilled peppers for you then?Madeline responded while glancing at him

In an instant, Gavin’s smile froze. I don’t like eating peppers.” 

Then youMadeline answered as she tilted her head

Gavin leaned in closer to her and said, Okay, fine. My bad. Let me take a look at the menu.” 

Suddenly, Madeline’s phone rang- 

She answered the phone, and the person on the other end of the line said something

Madeline smiled faintly. Her subordinate had called to tell her some online rumors

She listened with great interest, absentmindedly tapping her finger on the menu a couple of times

Okay. There’s no need to say too much. I do have the funds to pay for the trending topics.” 

With that said, she hung up the phone

Caleb looked at Madeline and asked, What’s the matter?” 

Harley is famous now. The esteemed professor, and the face of Acocester University’s enrollment promotion. Yet his public image has crumbled, Madeline explained with a smile


poured a glass of water and took a sip. So, out of goodwill, I’m sponsoring a trending topic

Caleb raised his eyebrows with chill mockery in his eyes. So his reputation is ruined?” 

He swirled the glass in his hand and quietly picked up his phone to send a message

The other two had a tacit understanding too

Madeline happily placed her orders, unaware of their actions

The school was trying to control the trending topics, frantically deleting posts on Twitter

However, it was like poking a beehive

They deleted twenty posts, and suddenly a thousand more appeared

Moreover, the posts were appearing at a rather alarming rate

According to trending topic rules, real names and trending topics involving the individual were not allowed to be 


Therefore, the word Professor Larsonbecame a trending topic

It was even on the top of the trending topics list 

Many netizens who joined the discussion mainly criticized Harley

1136 AM 

Chapter Bl 

One wrote: [Isn’t he just a professorwho relies on his looks for a living? Impressive! Now regular people don’t need to work hard anymore.

Another comment read: [What a joke. Can Acocester University say something? They should deal with a person like him immediately!

[Acocester University may want to protect their precious professor.

[It’s really sad to see my school making it to the trending topics this way

When Harley arrived at Acocester University, he received a call from Anthony

Mr. Zeigler, give me some time. I can solve this,” Harley said

You can’t solve it, Harley. You know I had high hopes for you. There was no anger in Anthony’s tone, only an overwhelming sense of heaviness. You’re a PhD holder from Acocester University and stayed on as a faculty member after graduating. You’re young and promising. I’ve always focused on nurturing you. But this time, you’ve truly disappointed us. Teaching and educating is not about appearance or fame but your character. You’ve really crossed the line this time. Initially, I thought we could control this matter, and worstcase scenario, you’d be suspended for a month. Then you can return

Anthony let out a deep sigh and continued, But now it has become a trending topic. Since it’s affecting the school’s reputation, we have no choice but to dismiss you.” 

e stone monument with 

Harley was standing on the vast square when he heard those words. He froze and looked at the stone the words Acocester Universityengraved on it

He stood there alone, looking extremely lonely

Mr. Ziegler, this is a misunderstanding. There is no substantial evidence to prove that I’ve done anything.” 


Anthony did not want to say anything more. Your reputation is already tarnished. Who would want you teacher? Don’t worry. After some time, you can work in a smaller university in the prefecturelevel city. With your ability, you can still…. 

Harley could not bear to hear the rest

His face went blank

Meanwhile, Madeline was at the backstage area, preparing for the freshmen enrollment photo shoot

She had been tasked with delivering the welcome speech for the Faculty of Management

Fortunately, with her past as an actress, delivering a speech was not a problem

Madeline was backstage in the auditorium, murmuring while glancing at her notes. She also stretched her limbs to relieve any unease

Suddenly, someone rushed in

He was tall and wore a mask

Before Madeline could react, she was pulled into the utility room at the back 

She stumbled a few steps before regaining her balance. Who are you?” 

Harley took off his mask, his eyes bloodshot, as if he was at his wit’s end

He rested both hands at Madeline’s side with his head lowered, a few strands of hair hanging over his forehead. You did it, didn’t you?” 

Madeline looked at him impassively and thought, He looks pathetic. My brother who’s always been a respected professor. Everywhere he went, people adored him, practically idolized him. But now, it’s amusing to see him in this 

Chapter 81 


Looking at her faint smile, Harley gritted his teeth and said, I know you must have played a part in adding fuel to the fire. Let’s end this now. Don’t let the public opinion escalate any further.” 

He took a deep breath and paced around. At that moment, the once erudite and talented handsome professor seemed flustered

He halted, looked at Madeline, and gulped. I know. We’re sorry for what we did to you, Madeline.” 


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