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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 140

Upon hearing that question, John was noticeably startled. His brows creased deeply, and his expression turned severe. Surprisingly, Zack wasn’t afraid this time. He remained staring at John. “Boss, do you have feelings for Miss Bailey?”

John’s expression grew frosty. “Leave.” When he noticed that Zack didn’t move, he warned, “Don’t make me repeat myself.”

Zack pursed his lips. He knew that he’d somewhat pissed John off, but still, he muttered, “It’s a yes or no question. What’s there to be chagrined about?” After saying this, he pivoted and left.

When he’d left and closed the door behind him, John shoved the mouse away irritably. Do I have feelings for Isabelle Bailey? I’ve actually never considered this question. As for whether I’ve ever considered taking my relationship with her further… I did. Since she got along well with Mom, I’d indeed wondered whether I should just marry her. If I marry her, the house will be harmonious and peaceful in the future. Meanwhile, I can concentrate on my career outside.

He leaned back against his chair. But… But… He smacked his lips. Now that he was contemplating this problem, he was feeling inexplicably perturbed yet couldn’t figure out the reason. He could even picture the look on Sophia’s face if he truly got together with Isabelle. Disdain? Contempt? Or perhaps she’d merely smile faintly, looking as though she’d expected it to happen. He felt discomfited at such a thought, unsettled from head to toe and inside out.

Meanwhile, Elder Mr. Bailey and Old Mr. Bailey stayed in the meeting room for about an hour before leaving. John wasn’t quite interested in inquiring about the discussion since they couldn’t have possibly just shot the breeze with such an imposing entourage. If it involved work, then William and the others could handle it.

As John worked, it was then lunch break. After mulling it over, he went straight back to Sophia’s place.

At this time, Sophia was bustling around the yard, getting her hands dirty. She bought two flower racks that now stood proudly in the yard and was now placing flower pots on them. She wore an apron and had her hair in a bun, looking very much like a botanist.

Today, she bought a lot of things. For some inexplicable reason, she always felt distressed whenever she spent money in the past, but now, spending made her incredibly exuberant. She bought many plants whose names she didn’t even know, having bought them as long as they appealed to her. The proprietor probably hadn’t seen such a big spender like her in a long time, for he even gave her a few pots for free. Over the moon, she was particularly enthusiastic as she fluttered around the yard that she didn’t even notice when John’s car came to a stop in front of the gate.


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