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The Returning EX (John and Sophia) novel Chapter 141

While eating, John asked Sophia why she suddenly bought those plants. Seemingly a touch surprised that he’d voluntarily talk at the dining table, she froze for a moment. After chortling for a while, she replied, “It was just a sudden interest. Perhaps it’s because I’m now single, so I hope to have a more fulfilling life.”

John stared at her for some time before nodding. “It’s good that you have such optimistic thinking.” He’d rest easier if she had a good life since that was tantamount to having fulfilled his promise to Old Mr. Constance.

John usually didn’t eat much for lunch, but for some reason, his appetite was just astounding today. He ate two bowls of rice and even drank a huge bowl of lotus root soup. Sophia, on the other hand, ate relatively less since she was no longer hungry after bustling around for such a long time.

John didn’t merely dust his hands off after eating. When they both had finished eating, he took the tableware into the kitchen and placed them into the dishwasher. Although the machine helped, it could still be grudgingly considered as him doing the work.

There were a few pots of flowers in the living room, so Sophia arranged them neatly. Then, she stood in the center of the living room and looked around, seemingly very much satisfied with the current décor.

Likewise, John glanced around as well. This place is entirely different now. He inhaled deeply. “I’m going back to the office. If there’s anything…” He paused for a moment before continuing, “… give Zack a call.”

Sophia murmured an acquiescence. “Alright, got it.”

In the afternoon, Sophia didn’t remain idle but went over to that dessert shop, mainly to look at the layout of the shop and contemplate how to renovate it in the future to make it look better. The proprietor was a lady named Robin Jaeger, and she was ecstatic to see Sophia, telling her all about the shops nearby that were doing well as though she’d found a way out. Sophia stayed in the dessert shop for the entire afternoon, only hailing a taxi home when she saw that it was rather late.

She’d already signed up for the first course at the driving school. It was fortunate that she had an acquaintance there, for everything was done without her having to worry about anything. When she arrived home, she took a look at the contents of the first course, but after so many years since she’d last studied, drowsiness plagued her as she glanced through the subject matter. Forcing herself to pay attention, she then did a rough read-through. When she next glanced at the time, she went downstairs to cook.


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