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The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance novel Chapter 16

We drove until dark, in complete silence.

I mean I guess it shouldn't have bugged me that he didn't even attempt conversation, because in his point of view, I'm a big annoying liability. But it did bug me, and I hate myself for letting it get to me

I kept stealing glances at him, looking his face to see if there was anything there.

Any fatigue from driving sixteen hours, or any signs of hunger. But there was nothing.

I was starving, at it was annoying me that he couldn't pull over for just fifteen minutes to get a bite to eat.

My stomach growled, and he chuckled; the first sound I had heard come from him for the past hours.

"Guess we should get food, right?" He asked, his eyes going to mine.

I rolled my eyes, "You think?"

We stopped outside of a shinny late night dinner, and walked inside.

A woman greeted us, she looked to be in her late twenties; With a short fake blonde pixi cut, wild amounts of makeup all over her face, and clothes that a hooter girl should wear.

He eyes siezed up Sin, her lips curling into some sort of a sick horny smile.

"Hi" She flushed, "Do you and your...sister need a table?" she flashed me a not so innocent smile.

I was about to lung at her when Sin gripped my wrist tightly, my eyes flickered over to his and he gave me a warning look.

So instead I decided to handle this...situation, Verbally, not physically.

"Are you fucking blind or something? Do we even look similar? I think all that shit on your face finally went to your head. Do something useful with yourself and get us a table."


Her face blushed deep crimson, "Feisty little girl, huh? Did you just pick her up from her middle school dance, or something?" She asked with a grin, motioning to my dress that I had completely forgotten about.

"At least you can see my clothes." I snapped back.

"You fucking son of a bi-" She was cut off my Sin raising his hand.

"Just get us a table."

She couldn't have gotten redder, and I was so damn happy.

I didn't know why I felt the need to attack her the second she started hitting on Sin, it wasn't like I liked him or anything, I mean come on. The guy is a hit man, Mob boss, who is in control of sex trafficking, dug deals, and killing people.

We sat down in a booth and an old man grabbed our orders, probably because that skeezy bitch was too embarrassed.

"Bud light, please." Sin said without looking up from the menu.

He turned to me, "And for you?"

"Bud light." I said with a smile.

Sin's dark eye brows rose as the elder man walked away.

"Your not twenty-one." He stated.

"Whoa you can count to twenty-one? No fair you beat my twenty." I teased.

He put down the menu and stared at me, his icy blue eyes stabbing mine, his chiseled jaw set.

"You shouldn't drink your like twelve."

I scowled, "I'm almost twenty."

"Wow you can count." He muttered as he looked back to the menu.


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