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The Russian Mobster: Russian Mafia Romance novel Chapter 17

We arrived at 3:30 in the morning, at the Acqualina resort in Miami.

My eyes were closing as Sin helped me out of the car, his arms gripping my forearm in a tight...almost protective hold.

"I'm tired." I mumbled.

He breathed out a chuckle as we walked into the lobby, "I know suka, just a little further."

"Don't...call me, that." I grumbled.

A middle aged woman greeted us at the front desk, and I did my very best to give the impression of a conscious human girl.

"Hi, what can I get for you?" She asked, rubbing her bright red lipstick covered lips together.

"Three rooms, presidential suite, and the two rooms on either side, thank you." He said as he re-adjusted his arm around me, normally I would have swatted his arms away, but I was just too damn tired.

"Of course, and what name shall these rooms be under?"


Her eyes widened, I guess his name was well known or something.

"Yes Mr. Solvact, and please Welcome to Miami, it's great to have you back." She bowed her head and slumped a little lower as she handed him three different envelopes filled with room keys.

The lobby was decorated an aqua color, with this cool under water theme, I noticed.

Sin practically carried me upstairs and into the room, which I assumed was the presidential suite. He lifted me off the ground to lay me on the bed.

"You got me the presidential suite, just for me? Your so sweet." I mumbled in a groggy tone.

He turned to me, a smirk plastered on his devastatingly handsome face, "That's cute Suka, this suite is for us. The ones next to us are for Slayer and Xavier. I need to keep my eye on you."

I groaned but didn't argue, I didn't quite have it in me.

"Is this my bed?" I asked with a sleepy smile.

He laughed, "I guess so, now get some sleep."

He doesn't need to tell me twice, the second my head hit the pillow I was out, sleep had officially, and finally...consumed me.






The next morning I awoke with a jolt of life, live someone was giving me CPR, I shot up in bed.

I looked over at the clock and it read 7:25, that's too damn early.

I grabbed some clothes from my bag that was set by the bed and took a sweet smelling shower.

They had real name brands (unlike in NYC) and I came out of there smelling- and feeling, like a million bucks.

I dressed in a black half-shirt, that showed my bony stomach, and a pair of black ruffled shorts.

I put on light makeup and combed my long red hair down, I hadn't realized that it had gotten so long. It nearly went all the way to my waist.

I walked out of the shower to see myself looking at the back of a shirtless Sin.

Holy Fucking shit. He was a sexy motherfucker.


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