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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 26

Olivia POV

I walk into NYU smiling, although yesterday was scary as fuck I wouldn’t change me being with Raphael for anything in the world.

I say hello to some of the students that welcome me back and I walk into Luca’s office, he is not there, I drop my stuff on my desk and grab my phone walking towards the teachers’ lounge. I grab a cup of coffee for me and another one for Lucas.

I walk back and I get inside the office putting the cup on his desk and walking to mine. I put my coffee down and I feel a pair of strong arms hug me from behind. I laugh and when I turn around to kiss Raphael I go into shock.

“I am working Raph…. Lucas” – I say getting away from his arms and my face falls.

“I am so glad you are back” – Lucas says walking towards me again while I take a couple of steps back.

“Lucas, hello, it’s great to be back” – I say walking around taking a sit on my chair.

Lucas’s eyes fall on the desk now between us, creating a barrier.

“How are you feeling?”

“I am good thank you, and how about you? How have classes been? Do you need me to grade any papers?” – I say trying to get him to forget about me and focus on work.

“Classes are fine” – he says looking down at me. I start to feel really uncomfortable with the way he is looking at me.

“Great” – I say starting to mess around with papers that were sitting on my desk.

“Look Olivia, I know I have nothing to do with your personal life, but you shouldn’t be spending time with Raphael”

“That’s it, it is none of your business who I spend time with” – I spat back.

“I like you and I want you” – he says bluntly and I choke on my coffee.

“Lucas, I am sorry but I’ve said to you before, you are my boss and it would be inappropriate for me to have an affair with you”

“But I don’t want an affair, I want you, Olivia, these last days I’ve been going crazy not being able to see you” – Lucas says

“I am sorry Lucas” – I say standing up and crossing my arms in front of me.

“It’s him, isn’t it? If he hadn’t shown up you would’ve caved, I felt on the Gala, I just needed a few more days”

“Lucas please”

Lucas walks around the desk and grabs my arms pressing his body against mine against the desk

“Lucas you are hurting me, let me go”

I look into his eyes and I don’t recognize that man, he’s not the same from when I left. His eyes show lust and desire. He is scaring me and I need to get out of there

I feel his lips against my neck and I start to move to try to free myself from his grip but he tightness around my wrists.

“You will be mine, Raphael is a criminal Olivia, you deserve better than him” – he says against my collar bone

“LET ME GO” – I shout and I hear someone opening the door hearing to my shouting.

“She said to let go” – I hear Michael and feel him pulling Lucas away from me.

“Hey don’t you fucking touch me, who the fuck are you?” – Lucas asks

“I am her bodyguard and your worst nightmare if you even touch her again, come on Olivia let’s go” – Michael says

I look at Lucas with fear in my eyes but I don’t let him see me cry. Once we are out of the office I hug Michael and I sob against his black suit. He tries to soothe me passing one of his hands on my hair and the other grabbing me close to him through my lower back.

Michael takes me to an empty classroom and grabs his phone

“Please no” – I tell him grabbing his phone

“The boss will kill me if I don’t tell him” – Michael says

“I will tell him later, but now I need to go to the headmaster and make a formal harassment and sexual assault complaint” – I say and Michael smiles nodding while looking at me

We both walk to the office and I ask to be seen immediately as it is an important matter, I walk into the office and I explain everything that happened, why I was off sick, and Lucas's behavior.

I was asked about being his date at the gala and I explained he said I had to go because my presence was mandatory and I could see on the headmaster's face that it was a lie. Lucas lied to me to take me to the ball. I should’ve known.

Lucas was called immediately to the office and I stand back against a wall with Michael standing next to me.


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