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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 27

Raphael POV

I keep myself busy and when I look at the time its near 8 PM. Shit, I stayed later than I wanted to.

I grab all of my things and headed home. When I arrive at the penthouse I don’t see anyone and I feel agitated. I take my shoes off and my blazer rolling up my sleeves and taking my tie off, I open the top button and walk towards my room.

When I walk inside I find a very sleepy Olivia on my bed. She was asleep holding her own legs. I knew already that she was uncomfortable. She would do that when she was uncomfortable, or sad.

I walk towards her and plant a small kiss on her forehead and I see her blinking while she wakes up. When she sees me she jumps at me wrapping her arms tight around my neck. I can feel her crying and I start to worry.

“Olivia, what happened?”

“Just hug me” – she replied.

I hold on to her and grab her so she would be straddling me while I sit on the bed.

“Love, tell me what happened”

“He… he tried…” – and she sobbed holding my shirt with her head on my shoulder.

I start to tense and she can feel my body tensing. I hug her tight. “You need to tell me what happened” – I say

She looks at me with tears running down her face

“Lucas, he tried to have sex with me” – she says

“HE DID WHAT?” – I shout and Olivia shakes

“Sorry Love, what happened? Are you ok?” – I ask looking at her

“Michael walked in just in time to make him stop”

“I am going to fucking kill that bastard” – I let out between my teeth

“I made a formal complaint at work and we called the police, but I think they won’t believe me” – she cried again

“Why wouldn’t they believe you?”

“He lied, he said I slept with him before” – she looks me deep into my eyes “But I didn’t, I swear I didn’t”

“I know Love, I know” – I say hugging her tight.

Olivia stopped crying after a while and I put her down on the bed as she fell asleep. I grab my phone and message, Michael and Joseph

“Want you in my office ASAP”

“On my way boss” – Michael replied

“Almost there” – Joseph replied.

I planted a kiss on Olivia’s head and walked out towards my office. When I walk in they are both already there.

I look at Michael

“WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?” – I shout at him

“Boss, Olivia went to grab coffee for her and that dickhead. And then I heard her scream inside the office and I walked in on him kissing her collar bone while she was fighting him off. He had a tight grip on her and she got bruised because of it. I punched him and took Olivia away, I wanted to call you but she said she wanted to tell you herself boss”

“Okay, and why isn’t he arrested yet?” – I ask

“Boss, the bastard lied and bribed the Police officers”

“I want their names, and I want out two best fighters to pay them a visit and leave them a message from me”

“What message boss?” – Joseph asks


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