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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 5

Raphael POV

This woman is going to drive me mad. Why isn’t she like the other ones that just throw themselves at me?

She moves away from me and while she starts walking I grab her hand and spin her to face me.

“No-one walks away from me” – I say with a serious tone.

“Well tough luck “- she says shaking her hand letting it go free.

Without hesitation I walk firmly as if I was trying to hunt my prey, I see her moving back until she’s against the wall, she has nowhere to go, and she is trapped and I like that. She can’t escape me.

“No escaping now” - I smirk looking down on her while I press both my hands against the wall caging her between my body, my arms and the wall. I see her head snapping up looking at me with those green eyes.

“What do you want from me?”

“You, under me, screaming my name” – I say confident, hoping that she will allow me to have her here.

“That will never happen” - she moans

“Oh, yes it will, and you will be the one begging me to have you” – I say looking down while she bites her lower lip. Her body is betraying her and she is trying hard to control herself. It would be entertaining if I was a patient men, but I am not.

I leave the bathroom leaving her all flushed, I can almost bet all of my fortune that she can think right now is me between her legs. My phone rings just in time to get my mind away from her.

“Gabe? Everything ok?” - I ask

“Yes boss, a new shipment coming today, I’ve got 3 men all over it”

“Okay, let me know when everything is done” - I turn off the phone and adjust my dick that is pulsing to feel Miss Black.

I can feel my arousal trapped on my suit trousers and I still have to give a speech on Lucas’s class. I still have to endure Miss Black eating me with her shiny green eyes pretending to be strong, pretending that she doesn’t want me, but the thing is, two can play this game.

I walk towards Lucas’s office and I see him waiting at the door with his arms crossed talking to some bimbo.

“There you are, have you seen Olivia?” – He says ignoring the girl that walks away with a really pissed off face.

“I can’t say I have” - I lie.

“Ok, shall we move to the auditorium?”

“Yes, let’s go”

The class was boring as fuck, made me remember all the studying I did while in college, and all the shit I had to put up from the teachers.

When I finish I walk towards my town car waiting for me. Take me to the underground.


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