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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 58

Raphael POV

“I will give you one more chance Petra” – I tell Petra while I keep my eyes on them. Tammy has been causing so many problems lately and I just need one more so I can get her gone from my life.

I can see Petra looking at Olivia and I give her hand a small squeeze.

“Boss” - Tammy says and I look at her and my eyes burn holes on her.

“Well?” – I ask her as I am starting to lose the plot.

“Tammy wanted to go see Lucas” - Petra says and I want to smile with the thought of getting rid of Tammy but I keep my straight face.

“Boss I can explain” - Tammy says walking towards us.

“She wanted my help to get into the restraining centre” - Petra says now looking straight into my eyes

“Boss I” - Tammy tried to talk but I cut her off signalling her t shut up, I am not taking any of this anymore, this girl had it coming, and I always tried to keep it civil because of Maria, I know how much she loves that girl but this was the last straw.

I let go of Olivia’s hand to walk towards Tammy and I see her giving a couple of steps back. I walk towards her and I tower over her, I can feel her breathing is irregular, she is scared and I am loving it.

“Why?” – I ask her drily.

“Boss” - she starts saying with a trembling voice - “I wanted to know what she has that I don’t” – She replies and points at Olivia while she does it. I have to clench my fists to control myself as I don’t touch women. But how I wish I didn’t have any morals right now.

“Just stop being a bitch” - Petra says and regretted immediately when she saw the way I looked at her. I can see Petra looking at the floor. Good.

“She has class” – I answer Tammy’s question. I can see Tammy now looking at Olivia and her face is letting out all of her feelings of disgust and annoyance. She is angry and that’s when she is dangerous. But I can’t be fucked anymore. I just want to end her, but then Maria will leave me and I can’t. I need to be rational about this.

“Leave” – I tell her in a dry voice, Tammy obeys, leaving the kitchen without looking at any of us. And then I turn to Petra - “go get your husband and Maria, tell them to meet me in my office in 30 min” – I tell her and she leaves the kitchen after giving me a small almost invisible nod. I see Olivia smiling at her shyly. So I turn to her and decide to make this light, she has been gone through so much that I don’t want her to feel bad again. I don’t want her to be scared ever again. I will always try and make it better for her.

“So what do you want to eat?” – I ask her while I look into the fridge and take a water bottle out.

“Are we not talking about this?” – Olivia asks me

“There’s nothing to talk about babe” – I tell her giving a soft and warm smile.

“Raphael, Tammy wants t see my kidnapper, what the fuck is she thinking?”

“I will sort it out in a few minutes, now what do you want to eat?” – I ask her again trying to be as polite as I possibly can.

“Anything, whatever you’re having” – she says taking a seat on the stool near the kitchen island.

I look into the fridge again – “Turkey sandwich okay?” – I ask her

“Yeah sure”

“Do you want anything to drink?”

“Maybe a soda?” – she asks me and I grab her a can from the fridge passing it to her. I can see her hands are trembling when she picks up the can. So I walk towards her and I embrace her. I can feel her head now resting on my chest and her hands wrapped around my waist.

“Everything will be okay” – I tell her and I can feel her nodding

“I am hungry” – she says and I can’t control the smile that pops into my face. I look down towards her and kiss the top of the head.

“You need to let go of me so I can give you food” – I tell her with a playful voice

Olivia let’s go of me and I walk towards the fridge grabbing some bread, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, turkey and mayo.

I make her a sandwich and one for me. After I finish eating she still has half of her sandwich on her plate.

“I need to go” – I tell her

“Can I go?” – she asks me

“Sorry Love” – I tell her and I can see her face dropping – “I won’t be long” – I tell her

“I don’t want to be alone”

“Michael will be here in a min”

“How do you know?”

“I have a feeling” – I tell her, I don’t want her to know that I texted him just a few seconds ago. As if by magic I see Michael walking into the kitchen wearing only his sweat pants and a t-shirt.

“Hey want to hit the gym?” – He asks Olivia and I can see her shaking her head no

I start walking away when I hear her talking to Michael, her voice is sad and it is breaking my heart – “If you ever see me in a gym there’s something seriously wrong with me” – she tells him and I want to laugh but I need to go.

I walk towards my office and when I walk in I can see Petra sitting next to Joseph holding his hand, she looks pale and I can see Maria sitting on the other chair with a worried face.

“Thank you for meeting me” – I say planting a soft kiss on the top of Maria’s head.


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