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The Shark Mafia Boss novel Chapter 93

Raphael POV

“Boss, There’s a letter for you” - my secretary says walking in my office.

She passes me the letter and it is the same handwriting as before.

“Une vie pour une vie” - it says and then I turn it around to find a photo. I can’t believe what my eyes are seeing. How did they?

“Fuck” - I let out

I grab my jacket and all of my belongings and I get out of my office towards my car. Once inside I call Joseph that answers straight away.

“Check on the security at the penthouse” - I tell him the moment he answers the phone.

“Sure thing, everything okay?”

“I got another note, they are between us”


“I don’t know. How much do you trust the bodyguards?”

“I trust them all with my life” - Joseph says

“You better because if any of them betrays me you will pay with your life” - I threaten Joseph.

“What the actual fuck happened?” - he says now annoyed.

“They did it”

“Did what?” - Joseph asks while I drive.

“They killed Tammy”

“What the fuck?” - Joseph let’s put.

“Yeah I know”


“That’s for you to find out and fucking tell me” - I say now annoyed.

“The doctor said it was suicide” - Joseph says and I tightened my grip on the steering wheel

“It wasn’t, she got killed” - I say

“I don’t understand, what about the letter?”

“Maybe she was working for them?” - I say - “And she knew she wouldn’t survive?”

“She was crazy about your boss, she would never do something this stupid”

“We will never know will we?” - I say

“What does it say on the note?”

“The same as the other one but it has pictures of Tammy dead”

“Fuck” - Joseph says.

“Now you see? Do you really trust this man?”

“With my life” - Joseph says and I arrive at the building. I get out of the car turning the call off and walking into the lift.

I am getting nervous now and I need to see Mike and Olivia.

I opened the door and walked in to find Olivia asleep on the sofa with Mike nowhere to be seen.

I walk to his bedroom and I find him asleep in his crib. Maria was sitting on the chair and she looked up from her book.

“Everything okay son?” - she says and I nod my head.


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