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The Sweet Plunder Of CEO novel Chapter 21

Howard sighed helplessly, and his voice was a little old, "Nicole, don't look at Dad like that. I don't want to say that it's all your mother's fault, but I want to say that there are also reasons for your mother to cause such a result today... Child, you were still young at that time. You didn't know many things. You were always partial to your mother, but I couldn't make it by myself. If it weren't for your mother's behavior, we wouldn't have ended up like this."

Raising her eyebrows, Nicole said, "Howard, I just want to tell you that I know what kind of person my mother is. She is definitely not as shrewd and sophisticated as Lena. Even if she really did something wrong at that time, it was you two who forced her. You betrayed your marriage not long after you got married. Not long after my mother gave birth to me, my illegitimate sister also was born. Later, the mistress came to make trouble and forced my mother to die. You just let it alone. Did you dare to say that you are really conscientious? No matter why you came here today, I and Layton won't go back with you. We have nothing to do with each other! "

Howard was surprised, and Lena, who had been silent for a long time, finally opened her mouth. "Nicole, the grudge between your mother and me is not clear in one or two words. I came here today to settle it with you, but I see your attitude and maybe we can't makes the things clearly. In that case, let's talk about the matter between you and my daughter. I think the grudge between you and my daughter can be settled clearly!"

Lena was indeed a scheming mistress. After so many years, she was still very cunning. Even though she was old and looked a little haggard, she was still so powerful in means and destructive power. She knew how to make her opponent choke to death with only one move.

Nicole looked at Primrose. Primrose lowered her head down, as if she had been fixed into a picture, sitting across the curling tea mist, hidden in the dim light, dreamlike.

Nicole didn't say anything. Lena continued, "When you pushed my daughter down the stairs, she couldn't get up anymore, and her dream of dancing was ruined. My daughter used to like dancing so much. Dancing is her life. She should have a great future in dancing, and it was ruined from then on! In those years, she was ill in bed and suffered from depression. If it weren't for us... "

Lena said in a sad tone, as if she was heartbroken when she recalled the past. "If we hadn't persuaded her in time, maybe Primrose wouldn't have lived till now. Every time I think of the consequences you have caused to her, I want to skin you alive! But Howard has been stopping me all the time. He said that all these were caused by the resentment between the adults. Okay, I can forgive you. But later, my daughter almost lost her life because of her legs. How can I forgive you? Even if our adults did something wrong first, the sin you have done to my daughter is far more than what we should atone for. How can I not care? Why should I not care?"

Lena was so emotional that her face was twisted and she was about to cry. It could be seen that she extremely hated Nicole.

Her words were like a stone thrown into the lake of Nicole's heart, stirring up ripples, making Nicole unable to calm down. Nicole clenched her fists and tried to calm down, "How do you want to settle it?"

Lena suddenly covered her face with one hand and cried.


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