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The Sweet Plunder Of CEO novel Chapter 28

Nicole didn't know how to answer the question of Miss Li. While other colleagues were tidying up their desk and stationery, they also looked up at Nicole.

Nicole pretended to answer inadvertently, "On the way to the hospital yesterday, I happened to meet Mr. Eric..." Nicole was not good at lying. She really couldn't find a suitable reason to explain how she met Mr. Eric and then why Mr. Eric had to ask for leave for her when she met Mr. Eric.

Fortunately, before Nicole could finish her words, someone knocked on the door and said that the vice president was looking for Miss Li. Miss Li had to leave her alone and went out with a smile.

When Nicole went back to her seat, her other colleagues didn't let her go. They all came over to ask her why Mr. Eric asked for leave for her.

Just as Nicole was thinking about how to answer with embarrassment, Lambert's secretary came and asked her to go to the general manager's office.

Nicole had to say goodbye to her colleagues and went to see her leader. Although it was a relief for her, Nicole also doubted why Lambert looked for her. 'Now that the people from the E Group were coming, why was he still trying to find me at this time? What's the matter?'

The two walked to the door of Lambert's office. After the secretary knocked on the door and asked for permission to opened the door for Nicole

This was the first time that Nicole had been in the office of Lambert. The AI Group team had been here for more than two months. Normally, Lambert would asked Miss Li to make trouble for her, he would not easily ask her to the office. But it was the first time that he had summoned her like this.

The office had been completely transformed by Lambert. She had met Eric here during her first interview. At that time, Eric liked warm and artistic things. There was an oil painting hanging on the wall, and the floor was covered with warm floor. Beside the floor to ceiling window, there were two high legged hanging orchids. Now, a medal plaque was hung on the wall by Lambert, and the floor was replaced with a dark floor. The hanging orchids had also been replaced into a tacky wealth tree. In the past, there was an Newton ornament on Eric's desk that Nicole liked very much. But now, it was replaced by a photo. The woman in the photo was not someone else, but Primrose.

Nicole's eyes were stung by Primrose's innocent smile in the photo. She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lambert, what can I do for you?"

Sitting behind the desk, Lambert had been looking at Nicole since Nicole came in. When he finally saw that Nicole was dejected by Primrose's photo, Lambert smiled slightly.

"I heard from Miss. Li that Mr. Eric asked for leave for you? Why do you still go back to work?"

Nicole frowned slightly. She didn't expect that the news that Eric had asked for leave for her had spread to Lambert so quickly. 'Is it a good thing for her to let Lambert know about it?'

Nicole pretended to be calm and said, "I'm fine now, so I came back to work. What can I do for you, Mr. Lambert? "

Hearing her hoarse voice, Lambert raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have you caught a cold? Have a fever?"

Nicole felt that Lambert was persistent on this matter, and even if she changed the topic, he wouldn't listen to her. It seemed that he had to ask her clearly, so she took the initiative to explain, "A little cold. I happened to meet Mr. Eric yesterday, and he sent me to the hospital."

"The thing happened in the restaurant?" Lambert asked with a faint smile, his eyes fixed on Nicole.

Nicole was a little annoyed. She didn't want to talk about what had happened last night. She knew that she was not as capable as him and couldn't do anything to Primrose who he had protected. So she had to be humble and avoid his insult. But he was still so aggressive.

She kept silent as a power of resistance.

Lambert picked up the photo of Primrose on the table and touched it. Although he didn't look at Nicole, he said with a playful expression, "Today, Eric is wearing a dark brown scarf. Judging from the color and style, it's similar to the one you wore last time. Some coincidences are really interesting. I'm curious why Eric sent you to the hospital. Are you on good terms?"

Nicole still kept silent.

Raising his head, Lambert looked at Nicole and said, "The E Venture Capital Company has changed its owner. I don't want my employees to have any connection with the senior executives of the E Group, especially you. If you don't want to be regarded as a case at the meeting again!"

Nicole raised her head and stared at this man. She still remembered the slander he had done to her last time. Sometimes she really felt that he had gone too far, too far, for no reason. Everything he had done was against her, and everything she had done was wrong.

Nicole said, "I didn't know which rules in the company I broke."

"I have the final say in my company. If you don't like here, you can resign. No one will keep you. You don't have to think highly of yourself!" Lambert said coldly, as if he was the master of her life.

Nicole really hated Lambert, but she didn't want to leave after the slander he had done to her.

"When will you stop humiliating me, Mr. Lambert?" Nicole asked coldly.

Speaking of this, a sardonic smile suddenly appeared on Lambert's face, and his eyes became sharp. Lambert said in a cold tone, "If it weren't for what happened last night, I might have stopped at a certain time. But because of what happened last night, I found that you would never seem to get along well with Primrose, so I don't intend to let you go. As long as you are alive, I will torture you endlessly, making you feel that life is worse than death!"


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