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The Sweet Plunder Of CEO novel Chapter 5

Nicole didn't know how she went back. Perhaps it was Samuel who sent her back, because in her memory, she was dizzy and vomiting, and Samuel had been talking in her ear. He was so noisy and annoying. She didn't remember what he said. Maybe he was apologizing, because she had a vague impression of him apologizing all the time.

Later, her world became quiet. She returned home and lay on the sofa. It was cold in January even if the air conditioner was on. Nicole woke up in the midnight and felt dizzy when she sat up. There was half a glass of water on the table. Nicole smelled it and found that it was honey water, probably prepared for her last night by Samuel. She drank up the rest of the water and was about to go to the bathroom. Suddenly, she saw a box on the table.

Nicole turned on the light in the living room and found a box of cake with a card on it, writing: Dear Nicole, happy birthday to you!

It turned out that it was her birthday yesterday. Looking at the handwriting on the card, Nicole knew who the blessing was from. She suddenly felt annoyed, and even lost the mood to look at the cake. She stood up, put on a coat, and took the cake box, fruit and the things sent by the man on the table to throw downstairs.

In the midnight, there was no one in the community. Several lights illuminated the small garden. She wore slippers, strolled alone and her hands crossed over her arms, and then sat down on a bench under the street lamp.

The night was very cold with wind, and the frost was all over the sky. Even a breath of air could be condensed into ice, but she just sat alone and looked at this strange old community. Suddenly, she remembered her own courtyard when she was a child. There was a swimming pool in the garden. In summer, she and her brother played with water. When they saw their father's car driving into the gate of the courtyard, they immediately ran over. Her father squatted down and kissed them, holding her younger brother in his arm, holding her hand and walking into the house. Her mother arranged flowers in the living room. The maid had already prepared dinner waiting for them to have a family meal.

How happy she was at that time, but now everything was ruined.

Nicole buried her head in her arms. Now she was busy with her life, and sometimes she didn't even have time and energy to feel sad, let alone recall. She stood up and went home, returning to the cruel reality from the fairy tale world in her memory.

On the second day, when Nicole went to work, she met her neighbor Aunt Loin, who was about to go out to go grocery shopping. Loin Wang said, "Nicole, your father came last night and bought you a cake. He said it was your birthday. He waited for you for a long time, but you didn't come back. It was too late and he left, left the things in my place. Last night when I saw someone send you back, I asked your friend to bring them to your house. Did you see it?"

Nicole nodded vaguely and said, "Loin, please don't help me accept my father's gifts anymore."



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