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The Trap Of Ace novel novel Chapter 2

I glanced at my wrist.


"Ma'am, please turn off your cell phone. The plane is about to take off," said the flight attendant in her angelic voice.

"Yeah, just a minute." I threw her an apologetic look.

Nodding her head, she walked away.

"Mom, I need to hang up now. The crews have already warned me for the second time."

"Alright, alright! I will let you go now. You're coming to me in some hours anyway. We will be waiting outside the airport when you'll land!" Excitement dripped from her voice. A sudden homesickness filled my mind. It's been two years since I met them.

"And keep that boy at an arm's length," Dad called out in the background.

Shaking my head, I let out a chuckle. "Alright guys! I will see you at the airport."

"Love you, honey!" They intuned together.

"Love you too!"

Sighing, I looked out of the window. Another plane took off the runway, flying high in the sky. It'd always fascinated me. Though I always struggled with myself not to flip during the taking offs.

A figure slumped beside me, making me turn my head. Letting out a huff, he settled against the seat.

"How's your stomach now?" I asked, seeing the perspiration on his forehead and flushed cheeks.

"Not good. I shouldn't have eaten the leftover macaroni last night. God! I swear! I won't ever touch leftovers again." He groaned.

Poor guy! Even in this crisis, he had agreed to come with me to my home.

"I'm so sorry, Warner. You have to travel with me in this state. You should've stayed back, you know?"

He flashed me a boyish smile. "Don't be. It was my decision to tag along even after knowing my condition this morning."

"But it was me who asked you to come with me," I said, guilt crashed on me.

"Don't be silly. I can do anything for you. And this is just a slightly uncomfortable journey. And it will go away just in a day. I've already taken medicines." He grasped my hand, entwining our fingers.

I smiled, a grateful one.

"I love you," he said, looking at my eyes.

The smile threatened to fall, but I managed to keep it on and squeezed his hand in return. The announcement of the flight attendant for every passenger to fasten their seat belts, saved me from another awkward situation.

We've been dating for six months now. And known each other since I joined college. We were good friends from the beginning. After my several failures at keeping up on dating a guy for more than a week, I gave up on kindling any kind of relationship with anyone. And when Warner one day asked me out at a friend's get-together, I couldn't put him down.

He was everything a girl would want in an ideal boyfriend. Handsome, intelligent, humble, honest. And most importantly, he knew me so well. After all, we've been friends for three years now. So when he'd asked me to be his girlfriend, I had said yes.

But even if he'd confessed his feelings for thousands of times before me, I couldn't just bring myself to reciprocate. It's not that I didn't like him, I did. He was a great guy. Maybe it'd take some more time for me to feel that deep for him. And I was waiting for that day.

"Ma'am, would you like some coffee?" The air hostess' voice broke my trance.

"Do you have tea?"


After a long four and a half hours later when we finally landed in California, I found my parents right where they told me they would be. Holding a placard that said 'welcome home', Mom met me with her more than usual enthusiastic hug, where Dad had a satisfacted look in his eyes now that I finally came home. Though it was just for two weeks until I would go back.

From the day I decided to shift to NY for my high school, he took the world of worry for me on his shoulders. They both did. It wasn't easy for me to stay that far from them, but it'd have been more difficult for me to stay here in this city.

I needed time to heal myself. So the distance was necessary. As soon as the memories of that night started to flood in, I shut off my mind, burying them at the pit of my brain. Just like I did for the last seven years.

I've moved on.

"Welcome home, little mouse!" The moment I stepped into the threshold, I was tackled into a bone-crushing hug. "Look at ya! You've grown up!"

I rolled my eyes at my brother. "You just met me two months ago."

"Yeah, but it feels like ages since I irritated you," he said, eyes warm with nostalgia.

I smiled. I've missed him. Even though he visited me often in NY whenever he was on his business trips.

"You better keep your stupid ass away from me, I'm warning you!" I feigned a serious look.

He chuckled, and then his gaze fell on Warner who looked blue in the face from his marathon to washrooms in every ten minutes. He seemed at the verge of fainting at any moment. He was extremely embarrassed when he had to run for the washroom before he could even shake Dad's hand.

Way to impress my parents!

I wanted their first meeting to be good. And Dad couldn't dislike him anymore for that.

'He is too good to be true', Dad had said once on the phone. I didn't know why, but he didn't approve of him the moment he heard us dating.

"Hey, Warner! It's good to see you, man!" Tobias gave him a side hug. "You alright though? You look sick."

"Nothing serious, just have a stomach bug. And it's nice to see you too." Suddenly his expression twisted like someone had punched him in the gut. "Uh, if you don't mind…"

"Go right and then straight up, the first door. You will find the guest room," said Dad with a displeased tone.

Heaving a 'thank you', he ran inside.

I sighed.

I will have to talk to Dad about this. Though Warner didn't notice his tone now, he'd soon.

"Poor boy," mom murmured, subtly sending Dad a look of reprimand which he proudly ignored and padded inside. Shaking her head, she looked at me. "Honey, why don't you go to your room and freshen up. I will make something quick for you in the meanwhile."

Getting a nod from me, she followed Dad. Definitely to give him an ear.

Tobias threw an arm over my shoulder as we climbed up the stairs. "So? You're determined to keep this one, huh?"

Like Dad, he also wasn't fond of my boyfriend. But when Dad was blatant about it, he was sneaky.

"He is a good guy, Tobias. And the best thing is, he is my best friend."

"Is it just it? You will keep him because he is a good guy and your friend?" He raised his brow.

"Isn't it enough?"

He shrugged. "What about feelings? I don't see you look at him the way you used to look at A…"

I put a hand before him, not letting him finish the sentence. "I like him. And I think it's enough for me to stay in a relationship with him. And you should be happy for me, don't you?"

Something flashed in his eyes which I couldn't decipher. Then he smiled. "If that's what makes you happy, Em."

Back in the city 1

Back in the city 2


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