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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4019

Chapter 4019

Grunt hid his anger well beneath the surface as Daryl was bestowed the honor of Prince Consort.

However, when Daryl was forced to take up the job of scouting the mountains, he knew that his shot at revenge had come.

“Great! Grunt, you do not disappoint! I bestow upon you the title of acting general” said the Emperor as he nodded.

After thanking the Emperor, both Grunt and Daryl left the Jade Fairyland to prepare for their mission.

As they were both walking out of the Jade Fairyland, Grunt could feel Daryl sizing him up in silence.

Daryl was confused by Grunt’s actions. After all, he did take the princess away from Grunt, but instead of being hung up on getting his revenge, he decided to help him on this mission instead?

Daryl’s inquisitive gaze caused Grunt a great deal of discomfort.

“Prince Consort, why are you staring at me? Is there something wrong with my face?” asked Grunt.

Daryl was not going to beat around the bush, he spoke his mind and asked Grunt for his reason for willingly accepting this suicidal mission.

Grunt took a deep breath and put on his best fake smile, “Prince Consort, both you and the princes are a match made in heaven. You were destined to be together.”

“I did once, fell in love with the princess, but somebody like me could never hope to have anything more with the princess. Unlike you, you were chosen by the Emperor,” explained Grunt.

Grunt tried as hard as he can to make sure that his acting stayed genuine and did not betray his true intentions.

Daryl was not going to fall for such a naive ruse, “Really?”

Grunt immediately knelt down in front of Daryl, “Prince Consort, you have to believe me. I swear upon my own life, that everything I said was the truth.”

“I know that it is hard for Prince Consort to trust somebody like me, but all I wanted was for the Emperor to recognize my hard work,”

Seeing how unnerved Grunt was, Daryl decided to let go of his suspicion of Grunt, “General Grunt, it was just a simple question. There’s no need to be so afraid.” 1

“Time is not on our side, let’s rally our troops and set out for the Fiend Sealing Mountains,” said Daryl.

Even if Daryl tried his best to seem in control of the situation, he was secretly praying that everything would turn out to be fine and there would be no dangers waiting for him ahead.

Daryl was tempted to use the Heavenly Oracle Bone, but he quickly stopped himself. This was the last one he had left. It would be smart to leave it something more useful.

“Understood” replied Grunt as he immediately sprinted off to rally the troops.


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