I mixed a few of the chemicals to create my love spell, Marisa was my lab partner and so she helped me by reading the ingredients and mixing the dry ones to throw in the concoction.
A few herbs and our potion were ready. The professor Mr Franklin came over to our table to inspect the potion. He sniffed it and picked up our ingredients and instructions list and scanned it.
He nodded his head in satisfaction, he sniffed it and wrote notes down on his clipboard. He picked up his wand and picked some of the potion up with it to taste it. He nodded his head and graded us. Mr Franklin is one of the few people that can eat and drink magical things and instantly his body will reject the potions. I know this is because he majored in potions making and when you further the studies you learn additional potions that do all sorts of things. Like having your body reject magic.
I know we will pass this subject, this is one of my favourite subjects aside from hexing and cursing of course. And I don't even have to sleep with the teachers as I do on earth to pass either. It's just one of those things I'm good at. Maybe I should pursue a career as a professional curser.
We removed our goggles and I poured a bit out in a bottle and looked over at Marisa who looked at me curiously. She folded her arms and waited for my answer.
"This is for the coach, Ms Janis,"
Marisa chuckled and shook her head. "You want to make the team,"
I nodded my head and placed the bottle in my bag and looked at Marisa, "yeah, but I'm making the team this year. I have an opportunity now,"
Marisa squeaked. She was genuinely happy for me, "congrats. I'm so happy for you,"
I giggled. I was happy for myself too. Life will be different from now on. The bell rang and we hurried out going to our classrooms. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around and saw a tall olive guy standing there. I looked at Marisa who had a huge grin on her face and excused herself. Why though?
"Hey. Bethany Wright, right?"
I rolled my eyes and gazed right into his big green eyes. I have never seen this guy before, I wonder how he knows my name. Could my little fame have stretched out a bit? That would be nice.
"Yes, what do you want?" I sounded annoyed as hell. Maybe because I was. I wanted to be left alone.
"To ask you on a date. D'you wanna go on a date with me to he Horror Ball?"
I chuckled. Unbelievable. He wants to take me to the one event I've always wanted to go to. I wanted to go, just not with him. I sighed. "I can't. I promised my friend we'd go together and we don't have tickets."
He shook his head. He caught my drift which I liked. "That could be arranged. I'll get you VIP tickets, that way you can join me to the private after-party,"
I squeaked like a girl. I hardly do. I jumped and hugged him so tightly and left the hug to look the Middle Eastern boy in his face. He's crazy handsome and I could get lost in his eyes.
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