One thing I've always wanted to do was join the Phoenix Games but when I went for my first try out last year I got rejected. It cut me deeply because the Phoenix Games is a badass game that brings thrills and popularity and since I'm going to start social media pages for myself on Meledsan I need to make the team this time. So I approached Jessica. She's the captain of the Phoenix Games and I want to be her friend.
She's so beautiful, rich and popular and everything I aspire to be. If anything I want to join to get closer to her.
She stood by her locker when I made my way up to her. She was talking with her friends. She wore her black sports shirt and black shorts with black socks and sneakers.
Her natural ginger hair, as always, was gorgeous. A sideways fringe tucked behind her right ear, she always splits hair into two sections and ties a pony and lets the others hang loose in curls.
Her hair is why everyone loves her. It's dressed it like that since middle school and many teenagers do their hair like hers. They even dye her colour. She's the real influencer. It's her look.
"Hey... Jessica,"
She turned around and her friends kept quiet. They all looked at me, so I greeted them as well.
I looked at Jessica's strong jawline. I had no jawline. I had the Angelina Jolie jaw baby fat edition while she has the Angelina, 'I shed my baby fat' jawline which makes her look like a model.
"Bethany... right?"
Wow. She remembers my name. I nodded my head while wearing a bright smile. I didn't expect her of all people to know MY name. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
"Um... yeah. Anyways, as you can probably recall. I auditioned last year for the Phoenix Games but didn't make it, I was wondering do you have any tips for me to get in this year?"
Damnit. What a lame topic to have with Jessica. She probably has better things on her mind, like who she's going with to The Horror Ball. She flashed me a toothy grin exposing her perfect white straight teeth. "I'll be honest with you. You should bring your A-game since my friends and I already have a few suggestions of who we want in the team like in desperately. Unfortunately, I don't think any of us rooted for you, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't audition anyway. Anyway, we're leaving,"
She expressed and walked away with her friends. I watched them go. I wouldn't fit in their circle anyway, we're in different covens so we immediately believe different things. Also, she and her friends are stick thin and I'm a bit more on the curvy side.
"Boo!" My brother startled me and I jumped.
I hit him on his chest which caused him to laugh. He was with his friend who I didn't like one bit. Dillon.
"Billy. What's your problem?"
He continued to laugh. "Going to The Horror Ball?"
I sighed. "I have other things to worry about. Something tells me that I won't make it into the Phoenix team, favouritism,"
Billy pulled a sad face, "have you tried binding the coach?"
"Or putting a love spell on the captain?" Dillon added.
It just happened but all that and more came into my mind, "just... Billy. Can you find out who's making the team?"
He nodded his head. "Of course. Easy as can be,"
I grinned and kissed my brother on his cheek. We're eleven siblings altogether but he's the only one I consider a sibling and vice versa. He pulled away from the strong hug and chuckled. "Hey... did you hear Purple-stone's prediction?"
I shook my head, "I'm not in her class. What's it about?"
"She says that many students will be falling in love this year and many powerful witches will come forth this year and next year. The rare kind of power. Also..." Dillon stopped mid-sentenced. "The pentacle will be completed, all five girls will receive their powers this year and their special powers will be unlocked. You and Sindra will soon find the other three,"
I tilted my head to the side. After all, honestly, I didn't know how to feel about the last bit because I don't care about the other affinities but I will care if they receive more fame than I do. Then I really won't be having it.
"I'm meeting my soulmate this year," Dillon added.
I didn't see him for the type to fall in love. That's strange, his soulmate is probably a bitch and I can already tell that I won't like her very much.
He had a huge grin on his face and looked at me with his wide eyes. "You're meeting your soulmate too. You excited?"
"Ew!" I expressed as soon as he told me. It was a reflex, I'm not sure that I'm ready to meet my soulmate. I'm not ready for love yet. I have no idea how to love and normally when teenagers find their soulmates they marry almost instantly because they know that soulmates are forever. What if my soulmate is that mushy type?
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