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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1002


Chapter 1002 

After several twists and turns, Registus arrived at a secret chamber

Master, I have something to report.” 

Come in.” 

Registus pushed open the door and entered

Inside the chamber was an elderly man. He looked kind and benevolent as he meditated. It was none other than Old Hagstorm, who everyone believed to have fallen off a cliff

Speak up. What’s the matter?” 

Old Hagstorm slowly opened his eyes and looked at Registus in front of him

Registus immediately said, Just a moment ago, Andrius took the Central Warzone forces and destroyed the henchmen of the Swallows, the Hardy family of the Jade Estate.” 

Hm,” Old Hagstorm responded indifferently, not reacting much

On the other hand, Registus was anxious

Master, this is no small matter.He said urgently, These years, the ancient martial families appear to be detached from worldly affairs, not participating in controlling Florence. However, each ancient martial family has been supporting some families, turning them into their pawns, scattered throughout Florence 

Some gather information, and some provide resources. All this creates significant value and benefits for the ancient martial families. In return, the ancient martial families provide protection to these families. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement, and they work closely together

Until now, Florence has turned a blind eye to these families as long as they did not go too far. Everyone 

minded their own business

Now, Andrusloud and public destruction of the Hardy family has disrupted this status quo. It’s like a butterfly effect. It’s bound to arouse the displeasure of the ancient martial families

If the families unite to take action, it’ll surely cause turmoil.” 

Registusworries were not unreasonable. Furthermore, it was indeed a very possible outcome

Old Hagstorm glanced at Registus and asked casually, Turmoil?” 

Is a great battle between the Medicine Sect and the Swallow family not turmoil? Is the Ancient Martial Assembly not turmoil?” 

Old Hagstorm’s rhetorical questions left Registus speechless

It’s just removing a pawn.Old Hagstorm snorted, The martial world won’t experience significant or more over this. The masters looking down from above don’t care about the life and death of ants. They only care about their own interests

Besides, the ancient martial world is currently in a state of chaos. To thoroughly reorganize and establish a new order, we muster up and muddy the waters of the martial world! Andriusactions are merely a catalyst, creating opportunities.” 

Registus smiled wryly. Master, that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m not afraid of the ancient martial families

What I’m worried about is that Andrius acted too conspicuously, which might upset the ancient martial 

Chapter 1002 

families and cause them to unite and attack him. Take what happened to the Kleins for example.” 


Old Hagstorm pondered for a moment, then waved his hand, saying, It’s fine. Let Andrius stir up trouble

The bigger the mess, the better. Hopefully, he’ll thoroughly stir up the waters, and we can get the most substantial benefit during the Ancient Martial Assembly.” 


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