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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1003


Chapter 1003 


Chapter 1003 

Old Hagstorm looked at Registus and said, Cultivating immortality!” 

Cultivating immortality?” 

Registus could not help but be shocked at the words


It was a mere legend. Flying, possessing overwhelming power, and performing miraculous feats. They were virtually omnipotent

Even ancient martial practitioners who could defy gravity, scale walls, or split mountains with their martial techniques had already transcended ordinary people

Did immortals really exist in this world

Did such a superpower truly exist

Yes, cultivating immortality.Old Hagstorm said confidently, then elaborated, People have five senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. By developing these senses to the peak, they can become ordinary 

martial artists

When martial artists reach a certain level, they develop a sixth sensethe socalled spiritual perception. After gaining the sixth sense, one becomes an ancient martial artist

However, that’s not the end of cultivation. The sixth sense is not the limit of what the human body is capable of

Beyond the sixth sense is a mysterious and profound extraordinary seventh sense

However, the seventh sense is not inherent. Only those who cultivate their sixth sense to the pinnacle and break through the limits of humanity are able to develop the seventh sense

This processis difficult. It’s extremely difficult

Even now, in the entire ancient martial world, there’s no one known to have reached the level of a Martial Saint, let alone master the sixth sense to the point of developing the seventh sense.” 

Old Hagstorm sighed, then added, However, if one truly cultivates the sixth sense to its pinnacle, breaks through the limits, and attains the seventh strength, it’s like stepping on an entirely new path, opening the door to a new world

From then on, they are removed from the cycle of birth, aging, sickness, and death. They transcend the mundane, and their abilities would be extraordinary. They’ll finally embark on the path to cultivating immortality

The ultimate secret of the Klein family’s treasure is cultivating immortality!” 

Registuseyes widened at the words

Cultivating immortality… 

If someone could truly achieve it, it would undoubtedly alter the whole of Florence and potentially change the world and the course of history

Registus still had many questions. Thus, he asked, Master, if the Kleins discovered this secret twenty years ago, why didn’t they simply take the treasure with them

With a cultivation technique for immortality, as long as they cultivated it diligently, they’d have left and 

Chapter 1003 


returned as kings. Wiping out the four families and taking over the ancient martial world would not have been an issue. Why were they still wiped out by the four families?” 

Registus was confused

Old Hagstorm shook his head and sighed. Back then, when the Klein family finally obtained the treasure, they did not have much time left

As for your question, it’s simply impossible to take the treasure and hide away to cultivate. To achieve immortality, one must at least have the strength of a Martial Saint. Otherwise, they can’t even cross the most basic threshold.” 

Registus nodded slightly. That was indeed a problem


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