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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1229

Chapter 1229 

Anything and everything

In the face of one’s life, money, power, and status meant nothing

At that moment, the Arctic Fox was as humble as dirt just to stay alive


Andrius pulled over the chair that the Arctic Fox had previously sat on, sat down, and said calmly, I’ll ask you: when can we set off?” 

Set off


WaitSet off

The Wolf King was letting him set off, which meant that he was letting him off! 

His pathetic life was saved

The Arctic Fox immediately responded, We can set off immediately, Wolf King!” 

Then, he instantly summoned all the mercenaries to gather outside the hall and give them a brief speech

Listen up!The Arctic Fox, who had just kneeled humbly in front of Arctic Fox, now displayed his absolute authority as the leader of the mercenary corps. The person in front of you is the Wolf King of Florence, and beside him is the captain of the Shadow Wolves

The next mission will be fully commanded by the Wolf King. His orders are my orders. If anyone dares to disobey, they will be dealt with according to the organization’s highest punishment. There will be no mercy!” 

The Arctic Fox had quite a lot of prestige. At least, his word was law in the 

mercenary corps

Yes, sir!the mercenaries responded loudly

Andrius looked at these Florencians and felt his heart waver. You’re all Florencians, and the blood of Florence flows in your veins. Are you happy wandering around in this foreign land?” 

The mercenaries were still stunned, then all fell into a gloomy silence

Who would willingly leave their hometown unless circumstances forced them to

If you complete this mission wellAndriussharp eyes scanned over every 

Chapter 1229 

mercenary, and he said loudly, “In the name of the Wolf King of Florence, I promise that I can give you a chance to turn over a new leaf


Not only can you return to Florence and your hometowns, but you can also join the Lycantroops and redeem yourself.” 

The mercenaries could not believe their ears. They would go from begging for food while being chased for thousands of kilometers, to becoming the admired elites of Florence… 

Such a change in status was like heaven and earth

Wolf KingEven the Arctic Fox was stunned by the words and asked with anticipation, Are you serious? Can we really return to Florence and join the Lycantroops?” 

He was not doubting Andrius. He was just genuinely shocked by the wonderful news. His brain was buzzing

After all, when they left Florence that year, they had already planned for the worst. They expected to die in a foreign land and never return to their hometowns

Now, Andrius was giving them a chance to return


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