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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1230

Chapter 1230 

The majestic Arbeis, with its endless peaks and beautiful scenery, was like a painting, fascinating and charming

Among them, Argonte Peak was permanently capped with snow due to its high altitude

It was an unexpected place for treasure to be hidden, but it also gave Andrius and the others great trouble in finding it

When the group arrived, it was almost dawn

This is Argonte PeakUnder the mountain, Katalina looked up at the peak with a complex tone. Then, she walked to the front and said, Follow me.” 

After another half an hour, the group went through twists and turns on the mountain and finally found the location of the royal treasurea uniquely shaped 


The cave entrance was covered with snow. If not for Katalina’s certainty, they would not have recognized it at all

Let’s go” 

There was no turning back since they climbed the mountain

Katalina led Andrius and the others into the cave

Under the bright flashlight, the scene before them was dumbfounding with piles of gold, dazzling jewels, crates of paintings and antiques, invaluable gemstones… 

It was astonishing. Each one was captivating and could be called a priceless 



My God, this is” 

As expected of the royal family. Just the gold is enough to make people’s jaws drop.” 

Tsk, tsk, tsk, any one of these paintings could cause an uproar among those wealthy people” 

The Arctic Fox and the mercenaries he led were almost drooling

However, in recent years, the mercenary corps had amassed astonishing wealth. They missed their hometown more, so they no longer had an interest in money. They were just amazed

Chapter 1799

Andrius and Noir were also surprised

However, that was all. As martial realm experts, they knew that their strength was far more important than wealth

UnfortunatelyKatalina sighed and said, No matter how much money is here, it can’t bring back my father’s life.” 

That was true

There was only one fact for certain in this worldeveryone would die. It did not matter who they were when they were alive. Even heroes of old were just a heap of dust now

Andrius looked at the time

They would not make it in time to transport these things and use them as collateral at the auction

Andrius was helpless and had to make a decision. Noir, you stay with Katalina and protect her. I’ll rush back to the auction as soon as possible and try to stall for time.” 

Protectionwas just a cover. Andrius needed Noir to keep an eye on them

Noir instantly understood and said, I know, Andy. Leave it to me. Just call me if anything happens!” 

Andrius nodded

Then, he rushed back to Fierde Auction House as fast as he could


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