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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270 

Anton scanned the three men in panic and said in a threatening tone, Do you know who I am? I’m Anton, the son of the Pontiff of the Sauro Church

Iif you dare to harm me, my father” 


Before Anton could finish, a fist landed heavily on his face. It was none other than Noir, who had come in fury after comforting Katalina

The Pontiff’s son?Noir’s voice was furious. So what if you’re the Pontiff’s son? Since you dared to lay a finger on Lina, I won’t spare you even if you’re God Himself!” 

As he spoke, he rained down fists on Anton’s face, chest, abdomen, arms, and legs, leaving no part untouched

How dare youHow dare you lay

on the queen? How dare you threaten me?Noir continued to rebuke while relentlessly beating Anton

After several rounds, Anton’s face was unrecognizable, and his limbs were severely damaged. He was barely gasping for breath

Enough,Andrius intervened. Don’t kill him, Noir. Leave him alive.” 


Noir vented his anger and let go. However, he spat out a thick wad of saliva on Anton’s face, and then finally released him

Let’s go.” 

The three of them left Pineworth County with the two women

When they returned to the capital of Flandom, Andrius immediately examined Margerina’s injuries. She was already injured before and disfigured by Richard. It was a miracle that she did not die on the spot when Anton slapped her in the head. Through acupuncture, Andrius managed to improve Margerina’s complexion slightly. She managed to wake up, but her condition was still quite grave

Wolf King…Seeing her sister in a weakened state and Andriusgrim expression, Katalina instantly had a bad feeling and choked up. How is my sister?” 

Noir also looked over anxiously

Anton sighed softly while putting away the needles. Her Majesty took a blow 

from Anton while she was already physically frail. Her condition is critical, and her vitality is fading. No amount of medicine or treatment will be able to help

Although I can stimulate the energy in her body to prolong her life, it won’t be for too long. At mostIt’ll be around a year.” 

Katalina’s heart sank further with each word from Andrius. When he said a year , she felt like she was struck by lightning and almost fainted on the spot

One year… 

MargerinaI’m sorry, MargerinaKatalina hugged Margerina, unable to hold back her tears. I’m sorry. If it weren’t for saving me, you wouldn’t have been captured by Richard

If it weren’t for saving me, you wouldn’t have suffered from that beast, Anton…. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault” 

At that point, Katalina’s voice became increasingly hoarse and tinged with despair


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