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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1271

Chapter 1271 

As long as I defeat all opponents and become the final victor, then Queen Margerina reveals herself, you can unite the various forces in Flandom to besiege Alexander’s family!” 

That was the plan that Andrius had from the beginning

Margerina’s eyes showed a glimmer of hope, but it soon faded away

That’s a good plan.Margerina praised, then smiled bitterly. However, in my current state, it has no meaning even if I reveal my faceThis face can’t prove that I’m the former queen anymore.” 

Margerina’s voice was filled with bitterness. Indeed, her oncerenowned beauty had been destroyed in an instant

That pain was something that only she could understand

Andrius was stunned and then asked, Your Majesty, as far as I know, it would be hard to get everyone to acknowledge you even if you had the exact same face. Does Flandom have other symbols or tokens?” 

The words immediately reminded Margerina. She nodded solemnly and said, There is, Wolf King!” 

A reminiscing look emerged in her eyes as if recalling a glorious history. It belonged to the King of Flandom, the King’s Scepter

The King’s Scepter is the keepsake left by the first king of Flandom to all his successors. Only those with the purest and noblest royal blood can pull it out from the place where it’s sealed

Father told me this before he left. As long as all the preparations are made, I’ll be able to pull out the King’s Scepter and command the heroes of Florence.” 

The King’s Scepter… 

It sounded rather majestic. 

Andrius and Noir nodded in agreement

Don’t, MargerinaKatalina said tearfully, Pulling out the King’s Scepter requires at least a third of a royal member’s blood as sacrifice. You can’t endure it in your current state. Į don’t want you to take this risk!” 

Margerina was the only family she had left in this world

If she left… 


Chapter 1271 


Katalina did not dare to imagine what kind of despair she would fall into

Silly KatalinaMargerina seemed at ease now that there was a method. She gripped Katalina’s hand tightly, her clear gaze staring at her sister, and said firmly, I only have a year left. Why not spare a bit of blood

Instead of dragging on with a sick and disabled body, leaving in despair and pain 

Why not let go and shine in my final moments

I, Margerina, was once the most beautiful rose in Flandom, renowned worldwide. Even in death, I want to die beautifully and meaningfully

I’ll offer up my final strength for our homeland and our father.” 

Her words were filled with resolution and seemed to strengthen her spirit

Andrius silently nodded

Whether it was in Florence or other countries, there were always extraordinary individuals with exceptional spirit and beliefs. It was truly admirable

Ibut, MargerinaKatalina could not help but choke up


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