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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298 


Suddenly, an endless swarm of insects appeared, surrounding Andrius tightly like a protective barrier




The trio’s attacks clashed with the overwhelming swarm of insects, engaging in 

fierce combat

Andrius seized the opportunity and quickly retreated

Andy, I’ll help!” 

Wolf King, I’ll help!” 

Seeing Andrius in danger, both Noir and the Arctic Fox could not remain calm and rushed to shield Andrius

HehYou’re like insignificant insects!The leading bishop dealt with the insects and snorted disdainfully. Then, he glanced at Noir and the Arctic Fox, saying disdainfully, Did you two come forward to die?” 

With that, the three closed in again

Noir and the Arctic Fox bravely approached but were swiftly repelled, spitting blood continuously. They did not even last half a minute

Andrius, Noir, and the Arctic Fox were in danger

Andrius knew that Noir and the Arctic Fox were no match for the three bishops. Thus, he rushed forward again, wielding the Argentum Qilin Spear and using the insects to assist him

However, the result was the same



Andrius was once again pushed back, spitting out blood

During the brief contact, he noticed something

Whether it was the bats or the eerie blood mist, although they could forcibly kill 



most of the insects, when they absorbed the blood back into their bodies, they absorbed some of the living insects along with it

Since the insects entered their bodies… 

There was a chance for a comeback

Andrius immediately tried to control them

To his disappointment, even though the insects could freely move in their blood, it was challenging to control the vampiresblood and in turn control them

It was clear that the three vampires had a different body structure than the Florencians. Perhaps they stopped remaining human when they became vampires

Andrius speculated that vampires had special methods to protect their blood from contamination by insects

Since I can control vampires with insects, I’ll use the insects to destroy your acupoints, hinder the circulation of blood, and affect the performance of your power!‘ 

Andrius soon came up with an idea




Just as Andrius was thinking of a plan, Noir and the Arctic Fox were repelled again, crashing in front of him. Another arc of blood spewed out from their mouths

Noir, Arctic Fox, stand down!Andrius stepped forward alone. His aura rushed toward the three while he said calmly, I told you, I’ll deal with it myself.” 

Noir and the Arctic Fox exchanged a look. They struggled to stand up, not wanting Andrius to take the risk

However, Andrius had already taken out an ancient flute and began to play it. It came from the temple in the Murrfield cordillera



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