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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 1299

apter 1299 

The three clearly had not realized that a vast number of insects had accumulated within their bodies. Once reaching a certain limit, a qualitative change in energy would occur

Round after round passed

Wolf KingThe bishop was annoyed by the insects and mocked coldly, Are you already at the end of your rope and have to rely on such meager methods?” 

The Wolf King is renowned worldwide, but he’s nothing more than trash. Today, he’ll undoubtedly fall into our hands. What sensational news.” 

I can’t wait to taste the blood of the Wolf King. I wonder if it’ll really taste like that of a mere beast like a wolf?” 

The three continued to mock and could not help but burst into laughter

Have you laughed enough?” 

Andrius had been secretly manipulating the insects, destroying the three’s acupoints. Now, it was like their blood was stored in individual compartments, unable to circulate. Without the support of their blood, their techniques were greatly compromised

The three were stunned when they saw Andrius still standing strong

Was the Wolf King tired of life or just too embarrassed to say he wanted to die

How dare he provoke them at this moment

However, before they could retort, Andrius raised the Argentum Qilin Spear again and gathered formidable inner energy

Snowflakes fluttered in the air, chilling everything around

No, they were not snowflakes

They were the manifestation of the spear’s aura

You’re seeking death!” 



The three bishops believed that Andrius was preparing for a last desperate struggle and displayed mocking and contemptuous laughs

However, the next second, their laughter froze

Chapter 1299 


That was because they realized that their blood could no longer circulate

Their invincible blood techniques were rendered ineffective

Now, they were no different than ordinary humans

Their shock, confusion, and fear finally turned into boundless terror

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh

The next second, the sharp tip of the spear touched their chests. The sharp inner energy pierced through instantly, sending them flying

However, although their hearts were important, they were vampires and thus different from humans

This strike only severely wounded them but did not immediately kill them

Andrius frowned but was undeterred. He advanced again, ready to decapitate 



At that moment, a murderous intent descended from behind, overwhelming and hopeless

Andrius did not need to turn to know that a formidable opponent had arrived

Sure enough, as the figure moved casually, the vegetation on both sides instantly withered as if all their vitality had been sucked away

Andy, be careful!” 

Wolf King, be careful!” 

Noir and the Arctic Fox saw this and wanted to intervene, but they were too late. They could only yell out a warning


Andrius knew the opponent’s strength and did not dare to be careless

The Argentum Qilin Spear sparkled with a dazzling light as it was accurately thrust toward the bloodred figure, precise and unstoppable


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