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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 843


Chapter 843 

Strong winds blew in the endless desert, sending yellow dust scattering

A large army was stationed in the boundless desert. It was a detachment from the Northern army that had come from the Northern Warzone with the intention of cutting off the Lycantroopsroute

The Western border is so desolate that not even birds come here.” 

Yeah, I wonder how the Lycantroops manage to stay here. Don’t they get bored?” 

The legend of the Lycantroops ends here. According to the latest information from headquarters, the only ones left to defend the city are the Black Wolf leading the Shadow Wolves and the elderly, weak, and sick.” 

Are you serious? Do they think that a group of Shadow Wolves and a bunch of elderly, weak, and sick people can stop our 800,000strong army?” 

HahahaJust thinking about us taking down the Lycantroopsheadquarters makes me inexplicably happy. What an opportunity this is!” 

The generals were drinking and talking, appearing particularly relaxed as if this was not a war but a simple game

However, it made sense. After all, they had 800,000 troops against less than 8,000 men. The advantage was clearly on their side. If they still managed to lose, they might as well cut off their heads in shame

General Flores, after today, with your brilliant leadership, our Northern army will completely capture the Lycantroopsheadquarters. This feat is unparalleled in history. There’s no one before and after you who can compare! Your promotion is right around the corner. I offer you a toast!” 

One general raised his cup and approached the supreme commander of the Northern army, Miles Flores, and started kissing ass without hesitation

Good, good.Miles was in high spirits and drank the wine with a grin

General Flores, after this war, you will undoubtedly become the number one figure in the Northern army. Please don’t forget to take care of us in the future!” 

General Flores, the Lycantroopsheadquarters is already empty, so there’s no pressure in this battle at all. I’ll raise a toast to you in advance!” 

General Flores” 

The other generals approached him with their smiles one after another

HahahahaMiles scanned the crowd and laughed heartily. An empty Lycantroopsheadquarters doesn’t scare me at all. Thank you all for your support. Come, let’s raise our glasses and celebrate together!” 

A toast!” 

The generals all raised their cups and echoed, appearing particularly relaxed

After a feast, the generals all ate and drank their fill. They continued their march

Their force of 800,000 was grand and mighty, stretching for countless kilometers. They crossed ridges and waded through rivers, eventually arriving at a canyon

On both sides were towering mountains, with only a three- to fivemeterwide passage in the middle

General, this canyon is infamous for its danger. Even a superhuman will fall if they come here

The canyon is a total of 57 kilometers in length. In the past, the Wolf King Andrius set an ambush here and defeated the Western Alliance of 700,000 men with just 8,000, establishing unsurpassed fame. We should be cautious.” 

The aide had done his homework and immediately reminded Miles when they arrived



Little boy” 

However, the aide’s reminder did not make the generals vigilant. Instead, they responded with disdainful laughter

The Northern army isn’t like those incompetents in the Western Alliance. The troops left behind in Yatburg today aren’t the same formidable force the Wolf King led! You worry too much,Miles patted the aide on the shoulder and spoke with a grin

Exactly. Vigilance is good, but there’s no need to overreact and treat the Lycantroops like they’re gods.” 

You’re just being overly cautious!” 


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