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The Wolf’s Bride by Coffee’s Tea novel Chapter 844


Chapter 844 

They could not organize an effective resistance and scattered, running for their lives and trampling over countless people

In the end, the 800,000strong army suffered more than 300,000 casualties before finally clearing a passage through the valley and retreating

Along the way

there were countless ambushes and numerous casualties. In order to escape pursuit, many soldiers chose to become deserters. They retreated hundreds of kilometers all the way to the Northern Warzone

The Northern Warzone had long lost its organizations. When Miles saw the Northern army headquarters right in front of him, he said viciously through a satellite phone, Noir, if you dare to pursue us any further, my Northern army will unleash a barrage of missiles that you can’t escape 


Is that so?Noir’s voice was nonchalant

Miles was furious and just about to scream expletives

General, look!The aide beside him suddenly pulled Milesarm and pointed to the sky

Look at what?Miles snorted but still looked up

The moment he did, his blood ran cold

Countless missiles with long tails of smoke shot out from the Northern Warzone headquarters and were aimed at their army

Boom, boom, boom


After a relentless barrage, the already diminished Northern army suffered heavy casualties once more, and their morale completely collapsed at that moment. They were unable to organize themselves and fight

On the other end of the satellite phone, Noir’s voice said mockingly, General Flores, I forgot to tell you. I already took over your Northern Warzone headquarters six hours ago.” 


The satellite phone in Mileshand fell to the ground

The group of generals all looked ashen, their eyes devoid of any spirit. Their army of 800,000 was defeated without any resistance by less than 8,000 men. It was a humiliation that would never be washed away in their lives

General Flores, let’s surrender” 

General Flores, if you don’t surrender now, we might not make it out alive” 

General Flores, you can’t sacrifice your life for dignity” 

General Flores, hurry up and make a decision” 

The other generals were terrified by Noir and had no morale to fight anymore

General Floresexpression darkened, but he could only nod

The messenger immediately sent a request to the Lycantroops as if granted a pardon, expressing their desire to surrender

That’s more like it. Drop your weapons and you won’t be killed.Noir took control of the Northern Warzone, capturing the remaining tens of thousands of Northern army soldiers, and issued an order, Everyone, don’t reveal a single bit of information about this battle

Otherwise, you’ll be charged with violating military orders!” 

Then, he personally wrote a letter and had the Shadow Wolves deliver it to Andrius

On the front lines, Andrius led the Lycantroops and broke through enemy defenses, getting closer to Kiyoto

Wolf KingThe Shadow Wolf brought a letter from Noir. This is from the Black Wolf.” 

Andrius opened the letter and immediately smiled


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