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Their forced luna novel Chapter 62


I really could have used Ares at that time, but even now there was something keeping the prime wolf away from me.

The tallest of the bunch towered over me. His dark tanned skin contrasted with his lake-blue eyes. I stubbornly kept my eyes above waist level. I hadn't gotten too much of an eyeful, but they were monsters in that department too. He stepped toward me, eyes appraising. "You're the run-away. Haven' t you heard what will happen to those stupid enough to try this?" three of the others chuckled, but the smallest didn't join them.

I continued to stay between them as Mitsi the best I could. Hell hounds? Those things were real? I wasn't sure how to process this, or how I was going to be able to protect the two of us. "I'm the one that planned this, let Mitsi go."

Pretty eyes raised a brow at me. "Are you ordering me around?"

"Look at her, Luke. She's got some balls on her." he snickered. "Hey, we should strip her and see if we can find them. I'm curious."

"Idiot," the smallest one mumbled with a roll of his eyes. "Cut it out you guys. She's the newest one, we saw her go in. She hasn't had time-"

"Raul, are you being serious right now? It doesn't matter if she new or if she's lived there for years. The rules are the same. Step a foot outside and you become our property until Aren comes to pick them up." Luke licked his lips, his eyes were on Mitsi. "It's been awhile since I've got to taste a pussy like that."

Mitsi turned pale and squeaked, trying to duck behind me. "Amanda," she whimpered.

I put an arm around her and glared at them. "Back off," I snarled. What was I going to do to be able to save her if things turned serious? My wolf was locked away just as securely as Ares. I was doomed. But despite that, I wouldn't just let them touch Mitsi.

Luke laughed in my face. "There you go again, ordering us around." he snapped his fingers and black flames danced on his fingertips. "If I was you, I'd learn my place quick. If you want to survive this little encounter, you'll obey everything we tell you."

I glanced over at Mitsi. She was pale and trembling. Her arms were around her belly again and she whimpered with each rock back and forth. "Please," she whispered more to them than me. "Have mercy."

One of the other men cackled. He snapped his fingers and blue flames danced on his fingers. He reached for her and I darted in the way. The fire leapt from him to me and I screamed as a burning and freezing sensation at once surrounded my wrist.

"Dance," he snarled.

My arm jerked back and forth in his grip as the pain traveled up and down. What was he doing to me? "Stop!" I cried.

"Please!" Mitsi dropped to the ground and bowed her forehead to the grass. "Don't hurt her anymore. It was my fault. I led her out of the mansion. If you're going to punish anyone, punish me." her words were nothing but sobs by the time she reached the end of her speech.

"Mitsi," I hissed. Why was she just caving in to them?

The stranger let me go and I held my shaking arm to my chest. "All of you are going to regret this," I informed them with a tilt of my chin. "My mates will find you and tear you apart. Those little parlor tricks of yours won't work against them. Zale has real magic."

Raul jerked and almost toppled to the ground. He caught himself at the last moment by using one of the other men as a support and stared at me. "Did you just say real magic?"

He wasn't the only one staring at me. In fact, they all were. It made a tingle zip down my spine. Why were they this interested? "Yes."

Mitsi continued to speak from the ground. "She's the wife of a Prime."

"Prime?" Luke scoffed. "That's impossible. The primes died a long time ago. There's nothing left, or I would know."

"You were lied to, because the Primes still exist. Zale is the last of his line." I stopped. "Was the last of his line," I mumbled, my hand going to my stomach and rubbing. There were no signs yet that life really existed there but I couldn't exactly doubt the word of a Goddess.

"Zale?" Luke's cruel smile faded away. "That child is now a Prime? He wasn't killed?"

"Impossible," one of the blonds grumbled. "We know what Master Aren told us. There's no way this is true. This is a last ditch effort to keep us from tearing them apart." He growled deep in his throat. "Let's fuck them up for this."

"Stop," another with dark red hair demanded. He stepped in front of me and crouched down. His blue eyes were similar to Luke's. Were these creatures all related? "Listen, I'll know if you're lying, woman." he narrowed his eyes and the green flames burned around his face, making his eyes sparkle and shimmer. "Tell the truth, are you truly a Prime's woman?"

I glared at him. I was tired of being questioned like this. "Yes!" I growled in his face. "Why won't you believe me?"

Raul scowled. "He lied to us," he snarled.

"Calm down," Luke snapped. "We don't know that."

Raul nodded to the red-head. "Are you saying that Tyler's read was off? Because we both know that he's a magical lie detector."

Luke turned away from me and on the smallest member. "Raul, if you don't stop defending her, I'm going to put you in charge of babysitting the two of them. We're not going to raise a finger about that rumor until we talk to the Master. You know how loyal we are."

"So why?" I demanded again. This time I directed my question to Raul.

He ran a hand through his hair. "We had another master before Aren, and he was the last Prime," he paused and glanced away from me. "And we were there when he died."


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