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Their forced luna novel Chapter 63


I jumped on his words

"Then that means you still belong to the Primes. Your loyalty should be with them."

Luke chuckled at me. He bent down and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at him. "It doesn't work that way. Our loyalty now is only for Master Aren. We've never been fed as well as we have with him."

"Wait, Luke?" Raul interrupted again and was glared at by the other man. But Raul didn't stop. "If she's telling the truth, I think we should be following our Prime. They were good to us."

Luke scoffed. "Good to us? It wasn't the paradise we enjoy now because of Aren. The kills we're allowed to bask in. Don't tell me you're going soft, Raul. You know what we'll be forced to do if you betray us."

Two of the others shifted positions closer to Luke. The battle lines couldn't be more obvious.

Raul growled in the back of his throat but lowered his head in submission.

Luke chuckled and his hold on me tightened. "Master might be awhile coming. And in that case, I think it's important we teach you a lesson about never defying your betters."

"Just me," I demanded.

Tyler, the red-head from before chuckled. "She's serious. She wants to take whatever punishment you plan, Luke."

"That's a bold statement," Luke agreed. "Is that true, woman? You want to take on all the punishment I have to give?"

"Amanda, no," Mitsi pleaded. I was impressed she didn't try to throw me under the bus, and instead wanted to be at my side.


He chuckled. "Okay then, he moved his thumb up to stroke my lips. "That means you're going to open this pretty little mouth."

"Luke," Raul interrupted.

"Silence," Luke hissed in reply. His eyes were narrowed on me.

I understood.

This wasn't about sex or lust. This was strictly about power and who wielded it. I was going to be taught my place and he'd use whatever means he had to in order to do it. I opened my mouth wide and prepared myself.

"See?" one of the un-named men suggested. "Luke always knows how to break the stubborn bitches."

I clenched my eyes shut. I didn't want to have to look at whatever he was going to force me to take. The pad of his thumb pressed against the middle of my bottom lip and he pulled it down. I resisted the urge to bite him. But I could endure this. Mitsi had already suffered enough, I could keep her safe at the very least.

I expected flesh to be shoved inside, but instead, something else was. Something soft and rubbery. My eyes sprung open and I stared up at Luke as he cinched a ball gag in my mouth.

This I hadn't signed up for.

"See, I'm liking you better already." he took a stance behind me and reached for the dress that Aren had made me wear. His hands caressed the middle of my back before hot fire singed through the material and burned my skin. I screamed through the gag but I was muffled.

It wasn't like being touched directly by fire, but even indirectly that bitch burned. I wriggled to try to get away but the two that had teamed up against Raul took stances on either side of me, holding me still.

The fabric gave way in the back and Luke ripped it open so my back was exposed. "On your hands and knees," he ordered into my ear.

I shuddered, but did as ordered. My mates were close. Whatever these men were planning to do, they wouldn't be able to get away with for too long. My hands squished in the mud and Luke stroked my back again. Mitsi stayed curled up on the ground in a little quivery ball.

"Last chance to back out," Luke offered me. His fingertips were still warm from his power. I wasn't sure what to expect from him. "You'll scream if you insist on this."

"Why are you doing this to her?" Mitsi demanded. She pulled herself out of her fetal position to glare up at Luke. "Why do you have to be so cruel?"

Luke laughed. Bits of his flame sparked onto my skin and I grit my teeth to stop from letting any sounds out. "I hate those that want to prove their goodness to the world. She wants to suffer for you, let her. I'll make her scream until she has no voice left, and then watch as she wallows in soundless agony."

"Luke!" Tyler snapped. "That's enough, you're going over the line. Aren hasn't even marked her yet."

Luke's laughter vibrated my body as he placed his burning hand straight on my back. His flames licked at me and the louder he laughed, the hotter they got. I bit the ball gag hard, focusing on not giving him what he wanted. Tears trailed down my cheeks as I glared at the others.

"Damn it, that's enough!" Raul growled and red flames burst from his clenched fist. He lunged at Luke and the other man side-stepped the blow. "You can't do this to a member of the Primes," he growled.

"Alleged member," Luke answered. "Tyler, Derek, Jesse, you are all witnesses to what our little Raul has done. He's betraying us."

"I'm not betraying anyone, you're the one turning your back on our oath." Raul glanced down at me. "You should get out of here," he hissed.

"She's not going anywhere," the man referred to as Derek announced. He was the one that had grabbed me with his icy flames. "You're the runt of us, and you're out-numbered. No one is going to stay on your side. You should think this over little brother, or we'll have to tear you apart."

What was going on? Why was this hell hound risking himself for me? I wanted to ask but the gag in my mouth made it difficult to do anything.

Tyler shook his head and took a stance beside Raul. "I'm sorry, Luke, but I agree with Raul. My loyalty is to my former master, and if his son lives, then we were lied to by our current one. We weren't always this mindless beasts."

Luke spat. "Beasts? Don't insult us, Ty. Fine, Derek, Jesse, you're on my side right?"

Before they could answer a drawn-out howl split our ears. I tensed, I knew that voice. I put a hand to my chest as the bond surged.

And that wasn't all. The barrier between me and Ares had dissolved.

I grinned around the rubber. It was my turn for some payback.


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