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Their forced luna novel Chapter 64


The power surged through me and I welcomed the transformation as the powerful wolf took over. I wasn't sure where Zale was, but I wasn't defenseless anymore.

The ball in my mouth was bitten through and the leather straps tying it around my face were split from the force. Luke backed up but didn't look scared. He clenched his fist and his flames surged. A warning for me to back down.

But my mate was close to me. Nothing would make me stop. I could even face HIM with the power of Ares at my disposal.

"Stop right there," Derek ordered me. He shot out a plume of his ice blue flames and the caught me in an ever-shrinking circle. "Drop the transformation. It doesn't matter if you have back up, they'll still be outnumbered."

"He's the Prime," I spat. "Your rightful master."

Luke shrugged. "Did you forget that we were guardians to Primes? Do you really think that those wolves would accept protection from those lesser than them?"

I growled at him. "But the Prime was your master. Guardians or not, you still answered to him." The blue flames danced around me but their cool touch couldn't reach me anymore. I glared at Luke through them. Ares' power rippled through me. I was bigger and stronger than my wolf. But this time he didn't take full control.

Why was that?

Derek clenched his fist and his flames constricted around me but thanks to Ares' power, I felt none of the pain. I sprung at Derek to tear his throat out.

The hellhound jumped backward and out of my reach. "You should give up or we're going to roast that pussy over there. If we all roast her with our flames, how many flavors do you think we'll get out of it?"

Damn it. How could I keep Mitsi safe and fight these guys at the same time?

"That's not how we do things," Tyler interrupted. He took a stance between his brother and the shivering maid. "You want to fight the Prime's wife, go ahead, but you're not bringing someone else into the middle of this. But know, if she wins, you need to be ready to have her rule over you."

"Stay out of this, Ty," Luke demanded glancing away from me to glare at his brother. "I can take on one wolf. She might have the protection of the Prime's wolf, but she's far from a Prime. If we choose to eat the cat while we're at it, you have no right to object. In case you've forgotten, I'm the leader here, you're still only second, just like you've always been all your life."

If Tyler was bothered by the taunts he didn't show it. "Doesn't matter. You have the advantage with numbers, the least I can do is take away her worry about this one." He nodded to me. "Show us your strength, Prime's woman. Show us why the Hell hounds should answer to you again."

Luke laughed. "We're not going to answer to her. How strong can she be? She was already taken by Aren once. You're being a fool, Tyler. You should have more pride than to consider sniveling to someone like her."

I'd heard enough. Instead of springing at Derek who was busy snickering at me, I turned my attention to the distracted Luke. I bit into his hand. He didn't try to jump from me, but instead took his other hand full of the black flames and hit me full in the chest.

His flames were stronger than Derek's. The intense pain traveled through me with every breath I took. I tried to hold it in, but a scream was ripped from my throat.

Luke laughed in my face. "See how pathetic you are? You want us to serve you and you can't even take this weak form's magic. If I was in my true form, you'd break. Give up. You'll never be able to win against me."

I froze in place. What? Ares snarled through me. "Know your place, Hound. The Prime is almost there, you won't treat his mate like this."

If anything, this made Luka laugh harder. "She's that weak she needs to be taken over by the Prime's wolf to even have a chance?" He clicked his tongue and took a step away. The blame flames traveled over his body until his form shrunk and a sleek black hell hound stood. "Time for you to understand just how futile this all is."

Before I could answer back, he opened his mouth wide and a stream of black fire unleashed and circled me. The fire from before was nothing compared to the hardened lava that coated me from muzzle to tail tip.

I screamed in complete agony. Not only did breathing burn, moving burned, blinking burned, any move I made came with a severe debilitating burn. I fell to the ground. Ares tried to force me up, but my body endured so much pain, I was powerless to accept his help. Everything was shutting down inside me. My head hit the ground.

"That's enough, Luke." a voice interrupted. I couldn't rouse myself to figure out who was the one trying to save me.

My body danced with the flames. My blood boiled inside my veins. I couldn't hang on much longer. The pain was too much.

"Luke!" Raul snapped. The hellhound turned on his still human formed brother and a pillar of the black flames surrounded him too.

"Raul, I warned you," he spat.

I closed my eyes. I couldn't speak. My screams were lessening, not because the pain had got any better, but because my voice was giving out. Just like this sick fuck wanted.

Something hit the ground close to us. Bits of the dirt flew in the air and a vicious growl ripped through the air. "Get your fucking hands off my mate," Zale snarled. Behind him was something I wasn't expecting to see.

A demon stood at his side and inclined his head to me. "You're the mysterious Luna Prime I've heard so much about. Forgive the lack of pleasantries, but my mission is simple. I'm here for my Luna. The rest of you can rot as far as I care."


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