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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 13

"Do you think I’m bluffing?"

"Okay, just wait here for Bruno. You will know how hard life is after he comes."

Tyler scolded, took out his mobile phone and made a call. As if he deliberately wanted everyone to listen to his conversation, so he turned on the speakerphone.

Beep, beep.

After a few beeps, a cold voice came from the other end of the phone, "Hello?"

"Bruno, it's me, Tyler. My Dad is Joseph. We had a meal together the other day." Tyler smiled.

"It's you. What's the matter with you?"

In an instant, Tyler felt wronged and said, "Bruno, someone scolded you."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm in Huangma KTV. Someone is bullying my friend. I told him that I am your men. These guys scorned you and scolded you. Bruno, you have to teach them a lesson!"

Bruno was silent for a few seconds and snorted coldly, "Huangma KTV, right? I'm in a nearby bar. Wait a few minutes. I will be there soon."

Tyler was overjoyed, "Okay, we are in the luxury private room No. 6."

After hanging up the phone, Tyler was proud and straightened his body a bit.

The young men, who were still frightened just now, calmed down, their eyes full of worship and awe.

Eira was also bolder. She cried out and stared at the middle-aged woman viciously, "Tyler, you have to avenge me. I want to smash that old woman's face and let her kowtow to me!"

"Don't worry. When Bruno comes over, all these guys will be a dead meat!"

Tyler lit a cigarette and sneered.

In less than ten minutes, everyone heard footsteps coming from outside the room. Then a few burly men rushed in. The headed one was a fierce man with short hair and broad face, wearing a small vest.

"Fuck off, who dares to bully my men?"

"Bruno, you are finally here."

Seeing Bruno coming, Tyler was overjoyed. He rushed up, pointing to the beautiful middle-aged woman and the man in Chinese tunic suit on the sofa, "Bruno, that's them!"

"Damn, you guys..."

Suddenly, Bruno's voice stopped abruptly.

Tyler didn't know the situation. He still pointed to the man in Chinese tunic suit with a sneer, "Bruno is here, you fucking dare to sit there. Roll over and greet Bruno!"

"Greet shit!"

Bruno's mouth twitched, and immediately gave Tyler a slap.

Being beaten up, Tyler felt a little aggrieved and was about to cry, "Bruno, why did you slap me?"

"Idiot, you dare to offend him? I think you want to go to the hell!"

Bruno gave Tyler a ferocious look, then flashed to the side of the sofa, bowed, and said with a smile, "Jackson, why are you here?"

This scene made Tyler dumbfounded.

He realized that he was in great trouble right now!

There were fewer people in J City who could make Bruno treat him like this. Recalling what the man in Chinese tunic suit said just now, Tyler felt creepy suddenly and his face was pale.

Jackson? !

This man was really...

Not only Tyler, but Ewan, Philip, Eira and others were also aware of it. They felt so shocked and their bodies were shivering.

"Bruno, you're good now!" The man in Chinese tunic suit half-squinted his eyes and said lightly.

Bruno shuddered in fright. He forced a smile, "Jackson, how can it be? If I knew you are here, how could I dare to come?"

"What does this kid have to do with you?"

"We’re not familiar. His father, Joseph, invited me to have a meal and gave me a little money, asking me to warn the little boss in the west of the City."

Bruno was extremely disgusted with Tyler. Tyler brought a big trouble to him today. The more he thought about it, the angrier he felt. So he came up to kick Tyler fiercely.

"Damn it! You dare to offend Jackson?"

"Don't hit me. Bruno, don't hit me. I'm going to die."

Tyler hugged his head and avoided. He was not as arrogant as before.

After a while, Bruno felt tired and then threw Tyler to the sofa and shouted, "Go to apologize and kowtow to Jackson."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

At this moment, Tyler was scared to death. He kept kowtowing and burst into tears, "Jackson, I'm sorry. I lost my mind."

"Jackson, I'm just a dick. I don't know it’s you. Please forgive me."

"I don't dare anymore. Please forgive me."

Jackson sat up, leaned over and said, "Didn't you say that your Dad, Joseph, knows me? Or let him call me?"

Tyler was so regretful. He cried out, "Jackson, I bragged just now. My family is a second-class family and does some small business. How could my Dad know you?"

"Jackson, please forgive me!"

Everyone was shocked.

Especially Philip, Eira, Ewan and others. They never expected that everything was Tyler's lies. But they were so stupid that they believed Tyler.

Now they provoked Jackson. The consequences were unimaginable. Even if the families behind them united together, they couldn't confront Jackson. Jackson could let them disappear from the world.

"What are you guys doing? Kneel and kowtow to Jackson!"

Bruno shouted.

Philip, Ewan and others were already scared. Now they saw Bruno's fierce looks, they knelt on the ground immediately, crying for mercy with tears.

"There are actually two people who dare not to listen to me... Stop. Who let you go?"

At the door, Charlie frowned.


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