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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 14

False friends are worse than bitter enemies.

Jackson was the big shot in underworld in J City. He had really so many ways to deal with others.

Charlie may not be afraid, but what about Katherine?

He couldn't stay by Katherine's side all the time.

Besides, according to Charlie's current realm, his body was not enough to resist bullets. If Jackson hired some professional assassins, he might even be killed if he wasn't alert.

If he didn't kill Jackson today, it would be equivalent to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

According to Charlie's character, he would not allow this kind of trouble to exist. Thinking of this, his murderous intent grew stronger and his breath became colder and colder.

At this moment, Jackson was so frightened that some cold sweat came out on his palms.

He was also betting.

In fact, Jackson regretted it a long time ago. Just now he was so impulsive that he said some harsh words. Now he couldn't remedy it.

However, when he sensed the cold breath, he shuddered as if struck by lightning.


Just when Charlie was about to take action, his phone rang. It was an unfamiliar phone number, "Hello, who is speaking?"

"Is it Mr. Charlie?"

"It's me."

"I'm Marco Xiang. Others calls me Marco. Mr. Charlie should not know me. But you should be familiar with my father, Samuel!"

Charlie was slightly surprised, "Mr. Samuel? I know him. What’s up?"

Marco smiled, "Thank you, Mr. Charlie. You saved my father. In order to express my gratitude, I would like to invite you to have a meal."

"I have no time. I'm dealing with trouble!"

"Trouble?" Marco paused and asked, "I don't know what kind of trouble Mr. Charlie has encountered? To be honest, I have some power in J City. Maybe I can help you."

Charlie thought for a while, and said, "It's a man named Jackson."


With astonishment mixed in Marco's tone, he asked again, "Sir, is Jackson next to you?"


"Please give the phone to him. Let me talk to him a few words!"

Charlie raised his brows, looked at Jackson, threw the phone over, and said, "Someone wants to talk to you."


Jackson was unsure. He looked at the phone number and felt very familiar, but he knew too many people. So he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Hey, who..."

"Jackson, you dare to offend my men? Do you want to die?"

This sound made Jackson stunned. No wonder the phone number was familiar. This was Marco from the Xiang family.

"Marco, it's you. This brat..."

"Shut up! What brat? Mr. Charlie saved my father's life. He is the most honored guest of the Xiang family. What are you fucking doing? You dare to offend the distinguished guests of the Xiang family!"

Jackson broke out in cold sweat.

Everyone knew that he was the big shot of underground in J City, but no one knew that there was Marco behind him. The reason why he could reach today's achievement was because he was all supported by Marco.

the Xiang family was the top family. It was said that the Xiang family had strongest background.

Even if the provincial chief met Master Xiang, he must respectfully called "Master Xiang". Master Xiang's savior...

Jackson didn't dare to think deeply. He swallowed a few times, but didn’t dare to speak.

"Jackson, now apologize to Mr. Charlie immediately. If Mr. Charlie is dissatisfied with you, just get out of J City."

"Yes, yes, Marco, I got it!" Jackson nodded repeatedly.

"Give the phone to Mr. Charlie."

Jackson handed the phone to Charlie respectfully, not daring to look directly at Charlie.

"Something else?"

"Mr. Charlie, are you in Huangma KTV? My men will be there in five minutes. I am looking forward to your visit."

After saying okay, Charlie hung up the phone.

Jackson stood up in awkwardly, folded his hands and said, "Sir, I'm so stupid that I offended you just now. Please forgive me."

"Jackson, what's the matter? Who is this brat? Why are you polite to him?"

The beautiful woman was very dissatisfied and yelled at Charlie.


The corner of Jackson's mouth twitched. He was worried that Charlie would get angry and quickly slapped the beautiful woman. "Idiot, get out of the way... Sir, for sake of Marco, please forgive her."


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