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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 23


In an apartment in a high-end residential area, Maggie's face was terrible. She smashed the vase and cup frantically.


"It's impossible. Why isn't it me!"

"Who is that woman? Who is it!"

The woman was very frightened. She hugged Maggie and persuaded, "Take it easy. Maggie, we still have a chance. This young master may not be the one who gave the bride price!"

"Maggie, I asked in WeChat Group. No one was invited to Zique Mountain. Isabella is also at home. So your mother is right, we should be wrong!"

Maggie gradually calmed down, clenching her fists, "Yes, there is still a chance. I still have a chance. I will definitely be able to marry into a rich family."

At the same time, Isabella cried sadly at home.

"Mom, why isn't it me? Why?"

Spencer and Axel didn't know how to comfort her. Fortunately, the other daughters of the Hunt Family weren't invited, either.

The drone broadcast was still playing. The woman in the velvet robe walked into Zhizun Villa under countless gazes.


The more Spencer looked at it, the more she felt that something was wrong, "What's it going on? That young master just now, and now this young lady, I feel both very familiar!"

"Honey, are you stunned?"

"The picture pauses. Zoom in."

Axel shook his head and said, "Zooming in is useless. The top of Zique Mountain is originally foggy. Besides, it’s at night. The video is not clear and the zoom is blurry."

"It's really weird!" Spencer muttered to herself.

Isabella wiped off her tears. She stared at the picture again, feeling weird. Suddenly, a shocking idea popped into her mind, ‘This figure is very similar to sister. Is it possible...’

‘No. Sister is already married. Besides, she went to Linghu Park.’

This idea was extinguished by Isabella.


In Zhizun Villa at the top of Zique Mountain.

Katherine really felt like she was dreaming. Where she stepped on was the place everyone in J Citywanted to come in.

Roses drifted all over the sky… Beautiful music. Bright and intoxicating red carpet...

In the center of the magnificent lobby, there was a guzheng. A man in a suit was plucking the strings.

Pipa song.

Katherine was so familiar with this melody. It was her favorite song. She had listened to it countless times.

The tune was familiar, and the figure was also familiar.

Katherine's heartbeat speeded up. She walked very slowly. When she stood behind the man, he just finished playing Pipa song.

The man got up and turned around.

"It's really you!"

Katherine covered her mouth and exclaimed.

Charlie's eyes were bright. He chuckled, "Why can't it be me? What do you think of Pipa song I played just now? This is your favorite song. But it is a little sad and not suitable for this scene of great joy."

"But if you like to listen, I can play it for you!"

"I said that I had the key to Zhizun Villa and I wanted to take you around, but you don't believe it. So I can only use this method to invite you over!"

"I owe you a wedding!"

Katherine's eyes were red. Her throat moved but she couldn't speak.

Charlie stepped forward, wiping off her tears, and said softly, "You have suffered in the past three years. I'm sorry."


Katherine's tears kept falling.


"I have my own difficulties. I can't tell you these things. When the time is right, I will tell you everything."

"You bastard!"

Katherine madly hammered Charlie's chest and cried, "Do you know how uncomfortable I was when I was ridiculed by those people? Do you know how much I want a man to protect me and spoil me?"

"I know."

"You don't know. You are an idiot. You don't understand anything. Do you know how sad I am when those people ridicule you and mock you? You are my husband. Why do they scold you? But I'm useless. I can't help you. I can only watch you being bullied!"

Charlie's lips trembled. His throat seemed to be blocked by a big stone.

He suddenly hugged Katherine tightly.

"Sorry, it was my fault. Everything is over. It's fine now."

Katherine cried thoroughly. The grievances which accumulated over the past three years were vented at this moment. Charlie was also very touched.

He was an old monster who had gone through both the ancient and modern times. He had lived for five thousand years. Sometimes he would back the wrong horse.

In the past three years, Katherine had scolded him a lot. She gave him a long face and scolded him.


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