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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 24

After Katherine left, Charlie called Jaiden.

In Zhizun Villa.

"Jaiden, what's the matter?"

An hour ago, Jaiden said that there was something important to report. He also said that he wanted to report to Charlie face to face. Charlie noticed it was unusual.

Jaiden waved his hand to let the servants leave.

"Master, there is news from informants from D City that Three ancient martial families are getting more and more at odds. Just yesterday, a large-scale fighting broke out in Yanling Mountain, which even alarmed the government forces."

"Tsk-tsk, interesting."

A cold smile appeared on Charlie's face, "Wolves fighting, there will be deaths and injuries. It just can weaken their strength, which is a good thing for me."

"By the way, Jaiden, do you have any information about my dear apprentice?"

Charlie deliberately stressed the word "dear".

Jaiden looked weird and asked, "Master, do you know what are Three ancient martial families in D City now?"

"the Cox family, the Lane family and the Ryan family. Is there any change?"


Jaiden nodded, "Ten years ago, after the battle in Yanling Mountain, Three ancient martial families were severely injured, but the traitor reserved her strength and beheaded the head of the Ryan family, thus controlling the entire the Ryan family!"

"What?!" Charlie's face darkened.

"Master, you created Bright Group and Dark Group. Bright Group was handed over to her, but she tried to win the people's supports by hook and crook and led the entire Bright Group rebel. After the battle in Yanling Mountain, Bright Group reserved a lot of strength. She took advantage of it and led Bright Group attack the Ryan family. She killed the head of the Ryan family and some rebels, and finally took full control!"

Ten years ago, although Jaiden was not in Yanling Mountain, he could imagine how tragic that battle was.

He was loyal to Charlie, naturally resenting the traitor extremely.

"Now, Three ancient martial families in D City are the Cox family, the Lane family, and the Holmes family."

Jaiden gritted his teeth, his old eyes shimmering, "That guy is really ruthless. She changed the Ryan family's surname abruptly. It is said that there was a storm in D City that year, but it was suppressed by her."

"Forcing the Ryan family to change their name, tsk-tsk, my dear apprentice!"

Charlie sneered.

Biting the hand that fed her. Betraying her Master. Killing her Master. Kicking down the ladder. Cold-blooded and cruel...

Who could associate these terrifying words with that beautiful, gentle and innocent woman?

But the facts were those words couldn’t describe her ruthlessness.

Charlie closed his eyes. A fascinating figure appeared in his mind, which seemed to have magical powers and fascinating.

"Master, I'll wait for you to recover to the top, and accompany you to fight back to D City. You will get back everything which belongs to you. Kill that traitor!"

"Fine, but it is still early. I have just gotten through immortals catastrophe. It is not so easy for me to return to the peak."

Charlie paused, then said, "Jaiden, do me a favor."

"Master, tell me."

"A few days ago, I got a simple jade pendant from a warrior. It contains pure Reiki, which can help me restore my strength. He said that the jade pendant was found in historical site. You send someone out to find it. "

Jaiden folded his hands, "Master, don't worry. I will try my best to help you search for it."

"Send me away from Zique Mountain."

A helicopter carrying Charlie appeared on the large lawn of Linghu Park. Since it was early in the morning, there were no tourists. So there was no need to worry about exposure.

Charlie originally planned to go home, but it was a coincidence that he ran into Samuel and Caitlin at the gate of the park.

"Mr. Charlie, what a coincidence." Samuel folded his hands.

"Hello, Master." Caitlin bowed and greeted Charlie.

"Good morning."

It had been seven days since last treat, Charlie smiled and said, "I said that I will check you every seven days. Let me check you."


After the last treatment, Charlie was more familiar with it.

After checking it, he found that Samuel had a very strong foundation. Samuel had almost recovered. He would be able to heal in more than half a month.

This was actually not difficult to understand.

When Samuel was in his thirties, he got hurt. The disease had been torturing him for more than forty years. Not only was he not bedridden, but he was still very strong.

This was all because Samuel had a solid foundation. So he had strong physical fitness.

After the disease was completely healed, he could cultivate again.



Charlie frowned. Last time he only focused on dredging Samuel's heart veins and did not pay attention to others. Now it seemed that the veins in Samuel's body were very rough.

Logically, if person who practiced martial law would have internal force in his body, internal force would nourish the veins and would make the veins more and more tender but tough.

"Come here."

"Huh? Me?"


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