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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 28

The two walked straight in, and finally walked into a luxurious private room.

"...Toast to freedom, ah, toast to death..."

As soon as Charlie entered, he felt creepy.

The song was a good song, but the person who was sing was so terrible.

"Hey, everyone, Isabella is here."

Someone shouted. Then the private room suddenly fell silent.

Nearly twenty men and women cast their gazes. Isabella's neck shrank slightly, and then she sat down confidently.

Charlie was on the side, without saying any words.

"Come on. Go on. Sing, drink! Why are you all staring at me?"

After listening what Isabella said, Charlie felt amused.

The next moment, a strange sound came from.

"The beauty comes. We naturally have to take a look."

It was a woman with heavy makeup. Her eyes quickly fell on Charlie, "Hey, who is this handsome guy? Isabella, is he your boyfriend?"

"Not yet."

Charlie answered, "I am pursuing Isabella. Nice to meet you."

The woman chuckled, looked at Charlie, and found that Charlie was wearing bargains. There was a look of disdain in her eyes.

"Handsome guy, I haven’t seen you before. Isabella, are you sure that this is your suitor? Why do I feel that you just find someone on the street casually?"

Isabella sneered, "My suitor has to be like the one behind you? Wearing a big gold chain and a big leather bag? Like an upstart?"


"Fine, we are all classmates. It’s not easy we can get together. Don't create conflicts."

It was a tall and thin man who spoke. He raised his wine glass and said with a smile, "It's been five years. This is the first time that we meet again. Come on, cheers!"


After drinking, there was another terrible singing in the private room. They all had their own friend circles, without interfering with each other.

Charlie did as Isabella told him. He didn’t speak, just played with his mobile phone alone.

"Handsome guy, why do you use the old-fashioned phone? Apple XS has come out." A woman with a beautiful face but slightly high cheekbones sat next to Charlie.

"I have gotten used to it!"

"Really?" The woman asked with a smile, "Handsome guy, what do you do? What kind of business does your family do?"

"There are many fields involved, including finance, the Internet, and real estate."

The woman pretended to be surprised, and immediately pulled a man in his thirties over and said with a smile, "This is my boyfriend, Frank Griffiths. His family is doing real estate business."

"Dude, my family has been in real estate for some years. I know more or less of the sons of the real estate bosses in S City. I haven't seen you!"

Frank's eyes were mixed with contempt. He said gloomily, "Are you lying?"

"Whatever you think." Charlie shrugged, playing with his mobile phone again.

Frank glanced at each other with the woman. Then he walked to the side of the woman with heavy makeup and the man with a big golden chain, talking about something.

Not long after, they started playing dice in their circle.

"Isabella, come and play together!"

"No, no. I’m watching you play."

The tall and thin man laughed, pulled Isabella over, and said with a smile, "It's just a game. We’re all classmates. Are you still angry about what happened just now?"

"It was my fault. I apologize to you." Unexpectedly, the woman with heavy makeup apologized to Isabella.

Isabella couldn't refuse. If she refused, she would look so petty.

"How to play?"

"It's very simple. Pick a number. The loser has to drink."

Isabella frowned and said, "I can't drink. Can I use juice..."

"No. No."

The tall and thin man hurriedly pushed the drink over, "Isabella, come on, we are all classmates. Are still worried about what we will do to you? Besides, your suitor is still there. What are you afraid of ?!"


"Come on, come on, start."

The tall and thin man was named Kaleb Lee, the third son of the Lee family, which was the first-class family in J City. He and Frank, as well as Stanley Hamilton, a man with a big golden chain, had the top status among people present.

Isabella could not give cold shoulders to others, but she did not dare to offend the Lee family. Kaleb was the most favored young master of the Lee family. She didn’t dare to offend him.


The dice cup was buckled. Kaleb yelled, "Place your bet."




This game depended on one’s luck. Isabella chose one randomly, "Big."


Kaleb opened the dice cup and shouted, "One, three, three. Small seven. Come on, drink."

Helpless, Isabella grumbled a cup of wine. The wine made her cough a few times.

"Big or small."



"Four, four, six. Big fourteen. Drink."


With five rounds in row, Isabella was unlucky. Every round, she guessed wrong. She couldn’t drink. Now, after drinking up five glasses of wine, her pretty face was flushed. She felt dizzy.

Stanley glanced at each other. A sly look flashed in their eyes.

"Come on, come on. Continue." Kaleb shouted.

"No, I'm dizzy. I’m out."

Isabella was about to leave, but was caught by Kaleb.

"Isabella, you can't be a bummer. Everyone drinks a lot, but only you feel dizzy!"

Frank shook the dice cup, slammed down on the coffee table, and shouted, "Come on, place your bet."


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