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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 27

"A pair of golden hairpins."

"A pair of jade bracelets."

"A set of gold clothes."

"9.99 million cash."


The voice on that birthday party echoed in the minds of Axel and Spencer. Spencer was the first to react.

"It’s you!"

She clapped her hands and was extremely excited. "The man said that the bride price was given by the Lloyd family. It’s you!"

Charles smiled and then he took a sip of wine, "Spencer, who else can be if it's not me?"

"You child, you make such a big scene. Now the daughters of the Hunt Family are competing because of the bride price. Unexpectedly, it's my daughter, Katherine."

Spencer was overjoyed. She felt more satisfied with Charles.

"I thought Isabella would have the chance. Since you are for Katherine, it's good."

Here came the point.

Everyone's eyes fell on Katherine and Charlie. Axel remained silent. Isabella was slightly nervous, secretly paying attention to Charlie's reaction.

Spencer was blunt and forced, "Katherine, Charles has already given you bride price. We can’t return it. Otherwise, others will laugh at the Hunt Family. Your Grandma won’t return it either. Therefore, you must divorce. The sooner the better!"

"No way!"

"Girl, what did you say?" Spencer glared.

The atmosphere became tense.

Not to be outdone, Katherine said coldly, "Mom, what am I to you? A commodity? It’s not him who gave the bride price, but someone else."

Charles was shocked, but his face remained calm.

"Who? Say it out"


Katherine bit her red lips and didn't know how to speak.

Spencer pressed her step by step, "Come from the Lloyd family. Have a crush on the daughter of the Hunt Family. If it's not Charles, who else can be? Could it be this wimp?"


"Bad girl, you want to piss me off, right? I have decided. There is no room for negotiation." Spencer folded her arms in front of her chest, looking so determined.

Katherine was so mad. She angrily rushed into the room.

"Dad, Mom, I'll go and see."

Charlie followed closely.

Axel laughed, "This girl is just like this. It will be fine in a few days. Charles, come, let's drink."


At one o'clock in the afternoon, the meal was over.

Charles left the community under various caring from Axel and Spencer. He drove Maserati to a high-end bar on Jiefang Road, J City

"Charles, you're here."

As soon as Charles walked in, a man popped out in front of Charlie. It was Tyler, the young master of the Chou family.

"Buddy, over there, I called some pretty girls over."

In the corner, Charles leaned on the sofa, hugging two girls.

Under the brilliant light, he rubbed the body of the young ladies in his arms. A satisfied smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Tyler, you're right. Katherine is much more beautiful and more mature than she was in college. Why didn't I notice her back then? Otherwise, I must have sex with her before going abroad."

Tyler laughed, holding a beautiful lady in his arms, shaking the red wine glass.

"Katherine is originally a well-known beauty in the celebrity circle in J City, but Charlie is so lucky to marry her. Katherine is too good to him!"

After speaking, Tyler seemed to realize something, "Buddy, I'm talking about Charlie."

"I see."

Charles narrowed his eyes and said with a weird smile, "Her mother has told me that Katherine hasn't had sex with that wimp yet. Katherine is still a virgin."

"Really?" Tyler's eyes were cold, "Buddy, then you really get a treasure. Let Katherine cuckold that trash. It’s so exciting!"

"Don't hurry. I have to enjoy this kind of beautiful woman slowly."

Charles felt that he seemed to have already controlled the overall situation. He pressed a beautiful lady under his body, drank red wine, and said, "This time I come to J City. I have two things to do. One is for J City's upcoming commercial union, and the other is for Master Xiang's eightieth birthday."

"the Xiang family in Jinling?"



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