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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 30

Charlie's harmless appearance made Stanley unable to refute. He was so angry that he flushed. After a while, he said,

"In the beginning, you clearly said that you want to get the hairpin. Why did you suddenly not want it? What the hell are you shouting if you can't afford it?"

"The hairpin is not worth two million."

Charlie said lightly. Stanley almost burned up.

Everyone knew that the hairpin was not worth two million.

A shit hairpin, the starting price of five hundred thousand was already too much. Now, it had reached two million. It was Stanley himself who increased the price.

"We are friends. Don't hurt our friendship. Bro, I take a step back and let you get the hairpin. I think Miss Phoebe must be very happy, right?"

Charlie said with a smile.

Phoebe panicked.

She had just been with Stanley. They didn’t have sex yet. But Stanley spent more than two million dollars on her now. Wouldn't Stanley torture her to death at night?

"...Two million, three times. Congratulations to young master at No. 108, for winning another auction item."

The hammer knocked down.

Stanley's face was pale and his fat body was trembling constantly.

He wanted to get back at Charlie, but in the end he was the one who lost the most. He wasted two million in vain.

Stanley glared at Phoebe fiercely. Phoebe shrank her neck, not daring to breathe.

Isabella patted her chest, breathed a sigh of relief, and asked quietly, "You did it on purpose!"

"Of course, he wants to set me up? No way."

"But what if Stanley stop raising price? If we can't afford to pay, we're screwed up. It is said that Scarlet Auction House has an extraordinary background. Malicious raising price will be severely punished." Isabella still had some lingering fears.

"It's all right."

Charlie looked at the high platform.

After this small episode, the atmosphere in the hall had obviously risen a lot.

As Kaleb said before, after the jade hairpin, the next stuff were expensive and rare. For example, a set of paper seal was being auctioned.

Ten luck seal, ten safety seal, and ten wish seal.

The richer people were, the more they believed in these things.

This set of paper seal was taken by a big local tyrant for three million dollars. A single piece of paper seal was worth 100,000 dollars.

Gee, so rich.

"Hey, is the local tyrant stupid? Three million to buy some shit paper." Isabella couldn't figure it out.

Charlie shook his head slightly and said, "That paper seal does have some effect. It's not the waste paper as you said."

"Huh? Can it really help you ward off evil spirits and keep you safe? Stop kidding. You just read too many novels. How can there be any monsters and ghosts?" Isabella looked contemptuous.

Charlie did not explain.

He could also draw paper seal. What he drew was better than the auctioned set, and the effect was better.

Ordinary warrior did not know these methods. Those who could draw paper seal were called warlock.

This was another story.

"Everyone, be quiet."

At this time, the old man on the high platform said, "The auction is coming to an end. Next is the second auction item to the last. The seller entrusted us that this auction item is not measured by money. The seller requires that the buyer has to use the same valued stuff to exchange it!"


There was a lot of discussion in the hall. The rule was rare.

"Open it up and take a look. What treasure it is?"

"Yes, quickly!"

The old man laughed and said, "Well, everyone, please look carefully."

The round stuff on the exhibition table was wrapped in gray cloth. As the cloth was opened, it gradually revealed its true face.

It was a stone plate. It looked like a hexagonal stone plate, but now it was missing a corner, just having five corners. The stone plate had some used marks and some grooves

The only characteristic was that it was full of vicissitudes and had a feeling of simplicity.

"This is……"

Suddenly, Charlie was shocked. He couldn't calm down. His face was full of incredible.

He was too familiar with this stone plate.

Three thousand years ago, Xia Yu's control of the water was not smooth. Seeing that Xia Yu was so concerned about common people, he spent a lot of energy to depict a hexagonal stone plate and handed it to him.

For what?

To suppress water monsters.

Because of suppressing the source monster, Xia Yu later dug a canal to remove the flood. Otherwise, if the water monster caused trouble, even if digging thousands of canals, it would not solve the problem.

"Three thousand years, I didn't expect to see it again."

Charlie sighed, he shouted, "I want to exchange."

The sudden voice frightened Isabella. She glanced back, "What are you talking about?"

Charlie ignored her, stood up and shouted again, "Host, please communicate with the seller. I can give him what he wants, which will definitely satisfy him."

The old man saw that no one was interested in the stone plate. Now there was one who was willing to exchange it, he would naturally not refuse.

"Wait a minute. I'll send someone to ask the seller."


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