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To Live an Eternal Life novel Chapter 31

Charlie didn't care about the woman's cold tone. He sat down and poured a cup of tea for himself. He asked with a smile, "Beauty, what’s your name?"

"Serena Bell."

The woman looked impatient, "Take it out quickly. If you fool me, I’ll kill you."

"Beauty, although you are a warrior and you have already cultivated internal force. I am afraid you can’t beat me."

Suddenly, Serena's face looked serious. She became alert, "Who are you?"

Charlie pressed his hand on the woman's shoulder, and gently said, "Serena, don't be nervous. I’m not your enemy. It doesn’t matter who I am. Since it is a deal, I have to know clearly where you got that stone plate."

Serena stared at Charlie, but couldn't see through him. So she had a little scruple.

"From an ancient mountain."

"Can you be more specific?" Charlie asked.

"Baimang Mountain in the western suburbs of Jinling. It’s a battlefield in ancient times and later it turned into a mass grave. The mountain stretches for more than ten miles, but the government has no plans about it. So it is abandoned and shelved. However, it attracts many adventurers."

Serena paused and continued, "A month ago, a few friends and I also went on an adventure. I found this stone plate in the depths of Baimang Mountain."

"Do you think the stone plate is valuable?"

"As a warrior, I still have the insight. The stone plate is very strange. Although I can't figure it out, it is definitely not an ordinary ancient cultural relic. There must be some secrets."

Charlie sighed secretly. Serena's intuition was very sharp.

However, no one could figure out the secret of the hexagonal stone plate except Charlie.

"I have said clearly enough. Now take out your stuff. I see if I can exchange it with you."

"There is nothing that I can exchange it with you."

Glaring at him, Serena stood up while patted the table, and said angrily, "Asshole! You dare to fool around me! Dare you!"

"Don't be so irritable. People who are prone to anger will grow old quickly. Besides, getting angry is not good for the skin."

Charlie looked calm and leisure. Looking at Serena's tall and graceful body, he said with a chuckle, "Although I have nothing to exchange it with you, I can save your life!"

"What do you mean?"

"You should be very painful. Evil Poison has tortured you for a while. Fortunately, your internal force is very strong, but it could only temporarily suppress Evil Poison. Maybe after a month or a week, Evil Poison will spread throughout your body and penetrate your bone marrow and viscera. At that time even God can’t save you. You will die!"

As Charlie was speaking, Serena's face become more and more intense.

She was indeed suffering from Evil Poison. She didn't expect that the man would see through it.

In fact, the reason why Serena came to the auction with the stone plate was also trying her luck.

She hoped there was a panacea, or a powerful person, to help her get rid of Evil Poison.

"You do not believe?"

Charlie watched Serena's face change, and then said, "Evil Poison should initially attack your heart, but you are very smart. You used your internal force to suppress Evil Poison in time and pushed it to Jujue acupoint which is in the middle of your upper abdomen. "

"Because of this, your face is extremely pale. If I'm right, you now have a tingling pain in your abdomen. Your body is cold, and your back is sweaty."

After hearing it, Serena fully trusted Charlie.

She sat down slowly with intense face. She looked at Charlie with the hope in her eyes, "Can you really help me get rid of Evil Poison?"

"Of course, but you have to tell me clearly what's going on. You just concealed something from me."

Serena smiled bitterly, "I really can't hide anything from you. Who the hell are you?"

Charlie smiled but didn't say a word. Seeing he didn't want to answer, Serena didn't ask anymore. Then she explained the ins and outs in detail.

A month ago.

For searching for an exciting adventure, she and her two friends went to Baimang Mountain. By chance, they found an ice cave deep in the mountain.

The stone plate was in the cave.

Under curiosity, Serena pulled out the stone plate. Then something wrong suddenly happened. A fierce air burst out of the ice cave, instantly sweeping over her and her two friends.

Her friends died on the spot.

As for Serena, she held the stone plate at that time which helped her block most Evil Spirit. So she survived, but there was still a trace of Evil Spirit rushing into her body.

"The stone plate can stop Evil Spirit, it must be a treasure. It is probably a legendary magic device. The ice cave is too terrible. I fled Jinling in embarrassment and came to J City."

Charlie looked intense. He guessed that the ice cave was the place where Xia Yu suppressed the water monster back then.

Three thousand years had passed.

Charlie didn't know if the water monster was dead. If he was still alive, it would be a disaster for the world!

"Why is the stone plate missing a corner?"

"When I pulled out the stone plate, one corner broke off and fell into the ice cave." Serena replied.

Charlie breathed a sigh of relief.

If there was still one corner in the ice cave, even if the water monster was still alive, he couldn't come out. When Charlie recovered to his peak, he would go to check it by himself.

"Give me the stone plate. I will help you get rid of Evil Poison."


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