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Too Much to Bear, My Love novel Chapter 292

  • Amelia was still chanting Oscar's name when Tiffany entered the room. It seemed like Amelia was muttering to herself, but somehow, it also seemed like she wanted Kurt to hear her. “She's been through a lot. She may look glamorous living with the Clintons, but people have no idea how hard it was for her. I truly hope that she finds herself someone who loves her dearly; Someone who will love her no matter what she becomes,” stated Tiffany.
  • Kurt seemed to have thought of something when he heard Tiffany but remained silent for the moment.
  • “Still, no one knows when someone like that is going to show up,” murmured Tiffany as if she was talking to herself.
  • “I'm sure that someone will reveal himself soon. He's probably a lot closer than we think,” responded Kurt, whose eyes remained fixed on Amelia.
  • “Wait a second. You're not referring to yourself, are you, Kurt?” questioned Tiffany with a brow raised.
  • In response to that, the man nodded decisively.
  • “Even if she becomes blind, you're willing to stay by her side?” continued Tiffany, finding the sudden revelation somewhat unbelievable.
  • Before that, she had already noticed how Kurt treated Amelia differently, but she never expected the man to be willing to care for her friend, who could become disabled one day. At that point, Tiffany knew she had to find out if Kurt meant every word he said.
  • “Anybody would be lucky to have Amelia. That much I know. Blind or not, that woman will always be a catch for any man,” promised Kurt.
  • “Kurt, there are things you can't just take back. Are you sure you're willing to care for Amelia even if she goes blind one day? You'll have to tend to most of her needs. You know that, right?” asked Tiffany in all seriousness, still somewhat skeptical of the man.
  • Kurt nodded determinedly once again before replying, “If Amelia will have me.”
  • “Kurt, I know you'll do better than Oscar. You have my support. Keep it up, and I'm sure you'll win her heart someday soon. You two make a better match anyway,” commented Tiffany while the man kept silent.
  • Tiffany then covered Amelia with the blanket and sighed as she stared at her friend, who was still muttering Oscar's name. “Kurt, don't get me wrong. I know you're one of the good ones, but it seems you'll have to put in a lot of effort to win this one over.”
  • “I know. I'm ready for it.”
  • For that, Tiffany gave the man a big thumbs-up. “I have to say, Kurt. I'm impressed. Still, this is your former boss' ex-wife we're talking about here. Aren't you worried about what's going to happen if Oscar finds out what you're trying to do?”
  • “They're divorced now, aren't they?” Since Amelia was single once again then, Kurt assumed she was fair game.
  • “I like how you think.” Tiffany chuckled at the man's rhetorical question.
  • Still, there was a sense of insecurity in Kurt's eyes when he looked at Amelia, and Tiffany could see it.
  • “Kurt, I'm worried that your love for her might end up unrequited. Even though I pray that she'll find someone who truly loves her, I know she's loyal to a fault. It's not going to be easy to change her mind.”
  • “I'm willing to give her the time she needs. No matter what, I'll be by her side.”
  • Tiffany let out another sigh as she witnessed those around her struggle for love. The love triangle her friends found themselves in was more dramatic than anything she could hope to come up with for her novels.
  • “Why don't you go check on Tony and have Martha clean up the mess? I'll take care of Amelia. Don't worry.” With that, Tiffany gestured for the man to leave the room.
  • After taking one last look at Amelia, Kurt nodded and left the guest room without another word.
  • Then, Tiffany went into the bathroom to get a wet towel to clean her friend up. “Why are you doing this to yourself, Amelia? If you never wanted to divorce the man, then why did you? Obviously, you still can't get over him, so why torture yourself like this?”
  • Suddenly, Amelia lifted her hand to cover her forehead and cried, “It hurts... My head hurts!”
  • To help ease the pain, Tiffany quickly massaged Amelia's head. Although the pain had slightly subsided, Amelia suddenly jumped out of bed before rushing to the bathroom. Concerned, Tiffany immediately followed Amelia inside, only to find her friend puking her guts out.
  • Patting Amelia on the back, Tiffany waited until her friend was done vomiting before handing the woman a clean towel. “Here, clean yourself up.”
  • Even though Amelia's cheeks were bright red, she felt much better after barfing.
  • “Babe, are you okay?” inquired Tiffany concernedly.
  • Frowning, Amelia shook her head and rubbed her forehead. “My head still hurts.”
  • “I'll ask Martha to fix you up something for the hangover. It serves you right for not knowing when to stop.” A part of Tiffany wanted to rebuke Amelia for the impulsive behavior, but the other knew that her friend had been through enough.
  • “Tiff, I didn't do anything stupid just now, did I?” asked Amelia embarrassedly.
  • Tiffany gave her friend a look before answering sarcastically, “Not at all. All you did was repeatedly called out Oscar's name. Heck, you even held my hand and confessed your love for the man to me. If you really love him that much, why did you get a divorce?”
  • Instead of replying to the question, Amelia fell silent for a while. “Sorry.”
  • Looking at how pitiful Amelia was, Tiffany sighed and decided to go easier on her friend.
  • “I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life, Babe. I just hate seeing you like this. Since you've already decided to divorce the man, you have to let him go. You know there's no point holding on to him like that. Why torture yourself?”
  • With her downcast eyes, Amelia continued to keep her silence.
  • Tiffany then let out a long sigh before continuing, “Babe, this isn't who you are. Remember how strong-willed you used to be? What? Have the years spent with the Clintons changed you?”
  • “I just need some time, Tiff. I'll be back to my normal self soon. I won't get drunk like this again,” promised Amelia with her head still lowered.
  • Tiffany grabbed Amelia by the hand and swung it back and forth. “Babe, you still don't understand. I'm not mad that you got stupid drunk; I just don't want you to see you torture yourself. Do you have any idea how painful it was for me to watch you beat yourself up like that?”
  • Seeing how worried and disappointed Tiffany was, Amelia knew there was no point in continuing the discussion, so she changed the subject. “Ouch! My head really hurts, Tiff.”
  • Tiffany knew Amelia did that on purpose, but she decided to let it slide and prioritized easing her friend's headache instead. “Stay here. I'm going to go fix you up something myself,” informed Tiffany after walking her friend to the bed.
  • “Thanks, Tiff.” Amelia smiled softly at Tiffany to show her sincere appreciation.
  • “If you really want to thank me, go easy on yourself. You're not exactly the poster child for perfect health. If anything bad happens to you, I don't know who's going to take care of you.”
  • “I have you, don't I?” questioned Amelia rhetorically with a big smile.
  • “Glad to hear that you remember you still have me. It's not healthy to keep all those emotions bottled up inside. Remember to let me in every once in a while, okay? I'm going to go to the kitchen now. Be right back.”
  • After Tiffany left the room, the smile on Amelia's face faded gradually.
  • She then took her phone out and started going through the photos of Oscar and herself. In every one of them, Amelia could not seem happier when she was next to her ex-husband. It was not that long ago when the two took the pictures, but they were nothing more than a reminder of the past then.
  • Caressing the image of her ex-husband, Amelia whispered to herself, “Even though I was convinced that you never loved me, I couldn't bring myself to let you go, Oscar. I really tried. Even when I was drunk, I couldn't get you off my mind. I thought alcohol could help me escape, but it only made it worse. I underestimated my love for you. I thought I could move on after we got a divorce, but I was wrong. Whenever I am reminded that I'd never get to see you again, my heart aches. You wouldn't believe how much it hurts. How did we end up like this? What happened to us?”
  • Before long, tears started rolling down Amelia's cheeks, for she did not expect to miss the man so much.
  • Amelia was upset when she saw how nonchalantly Oscar signed their divorce papers, but still, she pretended not to care and signed the documents indifferently as well. On the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau, Stephanie sent her a text message: Amelia, I'll see to it that you leave our family for good. You'll be blind soon, so what makes you think you're worthy of my brother? He probably thinks you're unworthy too. That's why he agreed to go to the bureau with you. That's right; He knows. In fact, even my parents know about your situation. They only let you have custody of the child out of pity. When you finally lose your sight, we'll take Tony back. Whether you like it or not, you're destined to be all alone.
  • After reading the message, Amelia chose not to respond but deleted the text instead.
  • It made her wonder if Oscar was really that heartless, but in the end, she could not bring herself to ask the man directly. Amelia was afraid to seek out the truth, for she feared that it would destroy her.
  • Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when Tiffany returned with a remedy for her hangover. Hurriedly, Amelia put her phone away before her friend could see it.
  • “Here, this will help you feel better.” Tiffany handed a hot cup of chamomile tea to her friend, who quickly wiped away her tears and pretended like nothing happened.
  • “You sure know how to take care of others, Tiff. Any man would be lucky to have you.”
  • For that, Tiffany rolled her eyes at Amelia. “I'll consider myself lucky when you learn how to stop tormenting yourself. How about that?”
  • After chuckling at her friend's humorous response, Amelia finished her tea in one big gulp.
  • “Better?”
  • Amelia nodded in response.
  • “Get some rest. Don't worry about Tony. Kurt and Martha are looking after him.”
  • As she was told, Amelia then got into bed. “You and Kurt probably did a much better job taking care of Tony. I'm ashamed to call myself the boy's mother.”
  • “You're right to feel that way. If you want to make it up to Tony, I suggest that you focus on getting well soon. After all, how can you expect to take care of the boy if you can't even take care of yourself?”
  • To that, Amelia nodded understandingly.
  • “Now sleep. I'm right next to you.”
  • Since Amelia was still slightly hungover, it took her a while before she finally fell asleep.


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