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Too Much to Bear, My Love novel Chapter 293

  • Amelia, Tiffany, and Kurt were having breakfast the following day when somebody banged on the front door. Baffled, Amelia quickly moved her gaze onto Tiffany, who seemed just as mystified.
  • “I'll go see who it is,” informed Kurt after setting his fork down.
  • Checking the monitor beside the door, Kurt could see a good-looking man standing right outside. He just so happened to have met the man a couple of times when they were both working for Oscar.
  • Furrowing his brows, Kurt was somewhat reluctant to let the man in. However, at that moment, Tiffany inquired, “Who is it, Kurt?”
  • “Some lunatic. I'll take care of it. You guys enjoy breakfast,” replied Kurt without turning around.
  • “If there's a lunatic out there, I think it's best you stay inside, Kurt. Let him bang all he wants. I'm sure he'll leave once he's had enough,” suggested Amelia with a weak voice. Because of the hangover, she still had a headache and was as pale as a ghost.
  • Amelia only regretted drinking too much the night before when the hangover took its toll on her.
  • “It's going to be fine. I know how to fight, remember? Lunatics like this guy don't stand a chance against me. I'll be back before you know it. Enjoy your breakfast.” With that, Kurt opened the door just as quickly as he closed it behind him so that Amelia and Tiffany could not catch a glimpse of the person outside.
  • Leaning his back against the door, Kurt narrowed his eyes at the man in front of him.
  • “Who are you? I'm here for Amelia. She's inside, isn't she?” questioned Carter Scott as he glared at Kurt hostilely.
  • “You've got the wrong place, pal. There's no Amelia here.” Kurt decided to lie to the man.
  • “Isn't this Tiffany's place?” continued Carter with knitted brows.
  • “Nope. As I said, wrong place, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave. If you refuse, I'll call the police,” warned Kurt with a stern face.
  • The two men then stood their ground and sized each other up.
  • After a while, Carter unexpectedly dashed past Kurt to open the front door and went inside before the man could respond.
  • Amelia, still having her breakfast, immediately jumped up when she saw Carter barge in. “Carter? How did you—”
  • Before Amelia could finish her sentence, Carter rushed forward to wrap his arms tightly around her.
  • “Let me go, Carter! You're squeezing me! I can't breathe,” exclaimed Amelia as she tried to break free from the man.
  • However, Carter ignored Amelia's demand and continued to hold her.
  • “Carter, could you please just let me go? Tiff and the others are here.”
  • Tiffany tried to help free Amelia after her friend gestured to her for help. However, before she could even reach Amelia, Kurt swiftly snatched her friend away from Carter. The two men then proceeded to look daggers at each other.
  • “Let go of her now!” ordered Carter when he saw Amelia in the arms of a strange man.
  • Instead of doing as he was told, Kurt tightened his arms around Amelia, further upsetting Carter.
  • “Who the heck is that, Amelia?” questioned Carter.
  • With her head still hurting, Amelia had enough on her plate as it was and would rather not deal with Carter's sudden appearance. Her divorce with Oscar already had her completely drained.
  • “What are you doing here, Carter?” asked Amelia, trying to change the subject.
  • Still glaring at Kurt, Carter took a deep breath before inquiring, “I heard that you and Oscar divorced. Is that true?”
  • Amelia could feel heartache again as the man's question only served to open her wound.
  • “What do you want, jinx?” As she always did, Tiffany stepped forward once again to protect her friend.
  • However, Carter's eyes remained on Amelia as if he did not hear a single word Tiffany had said.
  • Tiffany rolled her eyes at Carter when she was ignored by yet another man. At that point, she was already used to being disregarded by men whenever Amelia was around.
  • “Someone told me that you and Oscar divorced, Amelia. I need to know. Is that true?” repeated Carter.
  • “How does that have anything to do with you, jinx? Are you trying to rub salt into her wound? Or are you here because you think you have a chance now?” Tiffany glowered at Carter in disbelief.
  • “Is it true, Tiffany? Did Amelia get a divorce?” inquired Carter, who finally decided to shift his attention to Tiffany.
  • Carter was overjoyed when he first heard the news, for he thought he would never see the day where Amelia would become available again. As if he was granted a scarce opportunity, Carter thanked the stars for Amelia's new marital status.
  • On his way over to Tiffany's, the man even jumped multiple red lights just so he could get to Amelia as soon as humanly possible. Carter wanted nothing more than to see Amelia the instant he heard the news.
  • “So what if she did, jinx? What's it to you?” With her brows furrowed even tighter, Tiffany reached out to give Carter a push.
  • When Carter took a step forward, Tiffany thought he wanted to snap back at her. Instead, the man pushed her aside to get to Amelia. “You don't know how glad I was to hear that you're single again. I mean, it feels like I am finally given a chance to pursue you. Would you go on a date with me, Amelia?”
  • “I am divorced, Carter, but that doesn't mean I want to start a new relationship just yet. All I want now is to watch Tony grow up. Thank you for coming over to see me.”
  • Gazing at Amelia, Carter had never been surer that she was the one for him. “I don't mind waiting. If there's even a glimmer of hope, I'll wait until the day you're ready to accept me into your life.”
  • Seeing how determined the man was to win her over, Amelia sighed. “You don't have to do that, Carter. Even though Oscar and I are divorced, I still love him, so don't waste your time on me. It's not worth it. You're a good man; I'm sure you'll find someone who loves you.”
  • “Amelia, when I fell into a coma, you promised me that you'd give me a chance. Do you remember that? You made me a promise. I may not know why you two divorced, but I'm sure this is my chance to show you how much you mean to me. Please don't turn me down just yet. I have so much to give; I will be there for you until the day you accept me.”
  • After hearing that, Amelia quietly took a few steps back while Kurt stepped forward to shield her from Carter. Sensing that Kurt had similar feelings for Amelia, Carter intensified his glare at the man. “Who is this guy, Amelia?”
  • “He's the bodyguard Oscar assigned to protect Tony and me.”
  • “But I thought you two divorced.”
  • When Amelia heard the word “divorce,” her face hardened. She disliked hearing it because all it did was remind her that she would never be with Oscar again.
  • “I'm afraid that you have to leave now, Carter. Tiffany and I have a lot to do today. We have to go check out a few places.” In other words, Amelia was politely asking the man to take his leave.
  • However, Carter did not seem to get the message. “Well, I just so happened to own an apartment nearby. You and Tony can stay there.”
  • Sighing, Amelia responded, “Thank you for the kind offer, Carter, but I think we'll pass. I don't want to owe you anything.”
  • “Hey, even if we aren't a couple, we're still friends, right? I'm just offering my help as a friend. That's all,” insisted Carter.
  • At that moment, Amelia could feel her headache getting worse, so she started rubbing her forehead.
  • “Are you okay, Amelia?” asked Carter worriedly.
  • When the man tried to get close, Amelia quickly stepped back to keep her distance. “I'm fine. I just had a little too much to drink last night, and my head is punishing me for it,” replied Amelia as she shook her head.
  • “I know just the right medication for headaches. Let me go get it for you.”
  • Still thrilled to find out that Amelia was single again, Carter acted like a teenager eager to impress his crush. The man was ready to do anything to show just how much he had changed.
  • Back then, he almost ruined Amelia's impression of him because he was overhasty. Carter wanted to make up for it ever since but never got the chance, so when he heard about the divorce, he figured the time had come. Even though Carter worried that Amelia would be hurting after ending her marriage, he was too excited to keep away. He had already let Amelia go once five years ago, but that time, he was determined to make her his.
  • “You don't have to do that, Carter. I'm fine. Really,” promised Amelia helplessly.
  • “But you look as pale as a sheet. You need to take medications. Or better yet, I'll send you to the hospital. You don't look so good. I won't let anything bad happen to you. You know that, right?”
  • Grunting, Tiffany decided that she had had enough of the persistent man. “You just don't get it, do you, jinx? Amelia doesn't want to see you! I can promise you that she'll feel better the second you step out that door. Yes, she's divorced, but that doesn't mean she needs you in her life. Honestly, I think she and Kurt make a better match. She's finally free to live the life she wants now, so let her, okay?”
  • Carter was completely confused when he heard Tiffany, so the woman pulled Kurt over to make her point more apparent. “You see this man here, Mr. Scott? Besides his family background, he's no less of a man than you are. In fact, he's much more reliable than you. Given the same situation, I don't think he would've run off like you did five years ago. What else can you offer Amelia besides your wealth and social status? I can't believe you just barged in here to ask her to give you a chance. Why the heck would she do that? So that your family gets another chance to humiliate her again?”
  • Immediately after that, Carter's face turned grim.
  • “I love Amelia, that much I'm sure of. Even after all these years, I've never given up on her. I dreamed almost every night about how I would make up for my mistake. I just need a chance to prove myself, and I promise I'll make her the happiest woman in the world.”
  • Smirking, Tiffany was obviously doubtful of the man's words.
  • She knew what the Scotts were like, so she never thought it was a good idea for Amelia to marry into the family. Faye never liked Amelia; If the young woman were to marry Carter, it would not be difficult to imagine Faye giving her a hard time. Tiffany knew the love Carter promised could only do so much, for she had witnessed families fall apart just because in-laws could not get along.
  • “I'm going to be completely honest with you, jinx. I don't think you're the right man for Amelia. Even though she's divorced now, you're definitely not the type of person I'd suggest she marry. You make a good friend, but you're not husband material. At least not until you work things out with your mother,” criticized Tiffany straightforwardly.
  • “I promise my mother won't be a problem. I just need Amelia to give me a chance to prove it,” stated Carter with his fists clenched.
  • “You have no idea what you're talking about, jinx. Amelia just escaped a horror show that is the Clintons. Do you think she's going to be stupid enough to plunge head-first into another? Let me tell you. Nobody in the right mind is going to do something that idiotic.”
  • Clenching his fists even tighter, Carter seemed to be getting impatient.


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