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Undeniable Attraction novel Chapter 37


I planned a trip for us back to Paris because I felt guilty that she didn't get to explore the city when last we came. Now I understand what she meant when she said "You don't know yet, you'd hate me when you do and leave."

I should have asked about it when she said. " You weren't there Kel, you weren't there when we needed you the most."

The night of our date was when I became suspicious when Drake pulled me to talk.

" Dude, you never told me you had a daughter. " he seriously said

" That's because I don't," I replied chuckling.

"Oh." He said looking at me confused. " Who's the little girl then? "

" She's Shayan's sister," I answered and he laughed

" Did she tell you that cause I'd have sworn that she's yours? " I stopped to think. Shayan never told me that Evie was her sister, I assumed that Jesus, could the speculation be true?

I looked over at Shayan and Evie, Shayan was carrying her stroking her hair and Evie was fast asleep. Her brown hair was in contrast to Shayan's pitch black hair and none of her parent's hair was that colour. Her nose and lips reminded me of Tess's when she was younger and there was the birthmark. How did I never connect the dot? Evie is my daughter?

My head was spinning around, obviously, Shayan would have told me if she got pregnant and had my child right? She wouldn't do that to me.

We left his place and all I did was think. If Evie was sick then she got pregnant when we were still in high school, all those years and she never said a word about it. Immediately we got back to NY I did a DNA test. I had carried a strand of her hair when she slept. On the day I was to collect it I was nervous, I didn't know what to do if she was truly mine. I got the result and it showed she was mine. I didn't even know what to feel, was it supposed to be happiness, anger, sadness, pain? It was a mixture of all. I couldn't believe that Shayan kept me in the dark about her. She of all people know how I wanted to be there for my child every step of the way. I didn't want to be like my father that never cared about his kids. I wanted to witness everything about her while she was growing now I lost all her firsts. I wasn't there in the

labour room to welcome my child to the world, I didn't see her first smile, laugh, crawl, walk, I missed out on her life and it was all Shayan's fault.

I couldn't go home then, I was furious. I went back to work and tried to do something but I could barely focus. Frustrated I went home and Shayan came out to hug me.

"Kel, I was so worried about you". She said and I mentally rolled my eye. I didn't put my arms around her and she looked up at me with worry.

"Is everything alright? " she asked and I snapped.

"You tell me. Why would you do that to me, Shayan, why? "I angrily asked.

" What are you talking about Kel? "She asked looking confused I can't believe she was playing dumb right now and it annoyed me further.

"When the hell were you planning to tell me that Evie was our daughter? "I angrily asked

The expression on her face would have been laughable if I was in a good mood she was beyond shocked probably trying to figure out how I knew and that's when I threw the DNA test to her face.

'Kel. I. I. I... "She stuttered trying to come up with something to say

"You had a child for me and you never told me about it even when she was under my nose ". I bellowed

"I was going to tell you today".

"Today? Today? After she has been en with me for how many months now? After how many years you were going to tell me today? "I was furious now, was she just realizing that she is my daughter? How could she have kept this from me for so long?

"I'm sorry okay. What did you expect me to do? Tell you the first day we met that you have a daughter? "She angrily asked. Why is she even angry? She should give me a god damn apology.

"Why didn't You tell me immediately you knew? "I angrily asked I was curious to know what stopped her from doing so.

"Well I was going to tell you but then you broke up with me calling me all sort of things. You called me a cheat, slut, gold digger and all sort, why would I tell you about my daughter when you would have doubted it? " She rhetorically asked. I didn't like the way she personalized it saying it was her child, she was ours.

"You should have at least told me for god sake Shayan ". I shouted.

"And You didn't think I tried talking about it to you? anytime I tried talking to you you'd tell me to "fuck off from your life", "I don't want to have anything to do with you don't you fucking get it? ", "Do You know how I felt each time you told me that? You humiliated me in the presence of every one Kel".

You could have still told me ". I quietly said

"Through which means huh tell me? You blocked me, I couldn't call or text you. You didn't want me anywhere near you or talking to you, You treated me like a piece of trash even after that I still tried telling you. Heck, I even went to your house only to see you fucking the almighty Betty, Queen bee Betty and that was when I knew I had tried enough. So when you ask yourself why you weren't part of her life know it because you pushed me out. It's not my fault it's all yours".

What she said made sense. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't have. Carlos had blocked her number from my phone saying she wasn't good enough for me every time I tried calling her. It all started with Carlos, she was right when she said it was my fault because it was. I shouldn't have pushed her out.

"Maybe if you hadn't cheated on me it wouldn't have all happened," I said, I needed to get it all out, I needed the truth.

"I never cheated on you Adrios". She angrily said. Now it's back to Adrios.

"There was proof Shayan. You always being with Jason, The pictures and then that morning I caught you both ". I listed.

"You mean that morning you walked in on us sleeping? Nothing happened at all Adrios. How could you even think that? "She angrily asked and at that moment I realized what a fool I've been. I was played by Carlos, he was the one that caused all this and I stupidly fell.

"I'm sorry I thought... "I tried apologizing

"So that was why you broke up with me? "She angrily asked, "you thought I cheated on you Adrios? You never even talked to me about it, You just concluded not even trusting me. So that's why we broke up? That's why you humiliated me in front of the whole school, that's why my child grew up without knowing her father.

"Shayan I .." I was very stupid, I just assumed and confirmed my assumptions from Carlos, he was the one who fueled the whole thing and I didn't even talk to her about it because I was so broken by it, I said a lot of hurtful to her I didn't realize how broken she'd be from my words.

"I always wondered why you broke up with me you know, I thought it was because I wasn't good enough, beautiful enough and having you say those things to me demoralized me Kel. I didn't have high self-esteem and you just made me feel lower than I thought. I thought the sex would make you stay. I thought you loved me." She cried saying.

"Shayan I.." I was going to tell her I loved her, I couldn't even stop. How would she think she wasn't enough, she was more than enough but instead, I said all those things. Her saying all this while crying was hurting me. I've never liked seeing her cry much less if I was the reason behind it.

"I was so depressed Kel, I couldn't stop thinking about you, what you said and the pregnancy happened. There was even a point when I wanted to commit suicide Kel. Even I was disappointed in myself."

"I'm sorry Shayan. I had no idea, I never meant to hurt you." I sincerely apologised. All these discoveries were shocking. I'd never be able to forgive myself if she had committed suicide if she had lost her life and our daughter's, most especially if it was because of me.

"But in the end you did, my heart was broken beyond repair Kel, you ruined me. Sorry, can't even begin to cut it." I can't believe how much I hurt her.

"Does Evie know?" I asked and she shook her head saying she'd tell her tomorrow.

"You shouldn't have kept it from me Shayan. You of all people know how much I wanted to be there for my child, I never wanted my child to feel unwanted and still, yet this happens." I said sadly not quite shouting. She was the one I shared all my family story with, she was the one I wanted to build a family with. She knew about all these. I wanted to be there for my child but still, yet she does this and I feel like she did it on purpose.

"I'm sorry but it's still your fault." I hate how she said it putting all the blame on me.

"Don't you even feel bad for Evie not getting to know her dad?" I questioned angrily


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