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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 27

"It's a top secret!" the police officer muttered in disbelief. The director was nervous and he shouted, "Shut up!"

The police officer stopped talking. He glanced at the director who put on a wary expression and understood what was going on.

The director stared fixedly at the screen. Ever since he took office, he only heard about his predecessor talking about the top-secret files. He had never seen the top-secret files before!

The director swallowed. The top-secret files were not only rare in the Ocean City, but across China!

He couldn't offend a person with top secrets.

The director trembled. Now hee understood why the leader from Beijing was nervous and why the Ocean City Hall asked him to solve this matter within five minutes. It was because he had detained such a terrifying person!

The director's back was covered in cold sweat. His police uniform was drenched in cold sweat. When he recalled Maxwell's thoughtful gaze, he felt even more afraid!

"If you don't want to be in danger, keep the secret, destroy the records and pretend that I haven't been here today," the director said to the police officer seriously and slowly.

The police officer nodded. The director was in a bad mood. He raised his stiff legs and walked towards the office step by step.


Late at night, the Maybach stopped at the door of the villa slowly. Greta, who was sitting in the back seat, looked at Harriet and said in a charming voice, "You’ve just returned to the Ocean City and don't have a house here. There're empty rooms in my house. You can live with me here."

"OK." Harriet glanced at Maxwell meaningfully who was sitting in the driver's seat. She nodded.

"Bring her suitcase in." Greta looked at Maxwell with ill intentions.

"OK," Maxwell smiled embarrassedly. He didn't have the guts to disobey her order. He opened the trunk and brought the suitcase into the villa.

When Maxwell walked to the entrance of the villa, he saw two bodyguards in black suits at the entrance. When they saw Maxwell, they reached out to stop Maxwell.

"Sir, please show me your identification." They were expressionless.

Maxwell was surprised. "I am Greta's husband. This is my home."

The bodyguards exchanged a glance and looked at Maxwell's clothes. They didn’t have a picture of Greta's husband and hadn't seen Maxwell's face on the news. They only knew the famous goddess Greta. Maxwell was totally strange to them.

Maxwell didn't look like the husband of the president of the Sandoval Group!

"I'm sorry. You are not allowed in without the identification," the bodyguard said.

Maxwell was annoyed. He didn't expect Leila to hire two bodyguards and arranged them at the door. He was not allowed to go into his own home! Wasn't this a big joke?

If the media knew about this, Greta would lose her face!

"Get out of the way. Otherwise, you will bear the consequences." Maxwell's tone turned cold, and his gaze became much sharper.

The bodyguards became vigilant. They slowly reached towards the baton behind. As long as Maxwell attacked them, they would take actions and subdue Maxwell!

"He's my husband."

An ice-cold but charming voice came from behind Maxwell. Greta and Harriet walked over, arm in arm. Greta glanced coldly at Maxwell with disgust. She had to admit that he was her husband!

It was too shameful to admit it!

Would these bodyguards respect her in future?

What made Greta even angrier was that Maxwell was detained. If it weren't for her, Maxwell would stay there for 15 days.

He always embarrassed her.

The bodyguards saw Greta's exquisite and charming face. In Ocean City, Greta was the only one with such a perfect and exquisite face!

The bodyguards got out of the way and looked at Greta and Maxwell with strange expressions.

In their eyes, Maxwell and Greta were not like a couple. Instead, they were like the hostess and the servant.

After entering the villa, Greta got Harriet a room, while Maxwell carried the suitcase and tidied up the room for Harriet.

Maxwell made the bed. Harriet took out a cigarette, took a puff, spat out a cigarette ring, and asked, "Greta said that you had been doing housework for her for the past three months. How do you take it?"


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