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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 56

Eijiro Chiba was locking his eyes on Young Master Sandoval. He took one step forward all of a sudden and the air seemed to freeze.

“Since it’s just a waste, why did young master ask me to come all the way here?” Eijiro rumbled. His oppressive aura made Sandoval’s subordinates trembled and even hard to breathe.

Eijiro reckoned Sandoval, meaning meant to humiliate him.

He was the young heir of the Chiba Dojo, the number one genius in the one sword style of the imperial city, yet he came to China just to finish a waste! Taking a musket to kill a butterfly, it was no more than a contempt and a humiliation to him!

“Mr. Chiba, as long as you could bring me the waste’s head, I’ll definitely reward you with huge amount of money. If you could even snatch the woman by his side over, I’ll grant any of your wish.” Sandoval spoke blandly. Although he was encountered with Eijiro’s extremely powerful aura, he was still composed and calm.

“If not for returning the favorfavor I owed many years ago, the moment I reach here everything here will be destroyed,” Eijiro gazed at Sandoval and said profoundly.

Sandoval glanced at the men in black behind with level eyes. Those men were all aces in the one sword style of the imperial capital and with the power of the organization, assassinating the president of a country would be no more than a breeze.

“Mr. Chiba, I’ve set up a banquet for all of you and I’d like to treat you a dinner for your arrival,” Sandoval said.

“Chinese cuisine is not yet qualified to meet my taste buds. We’ll talk again when your cuisine is as delicate as our empire’s cuisine,” Eijiro said coldly.

Sandoval let out a smile and replied. “Mr. Chiba, what we prepared for you is exactly the Kobe beef and top-class sashimi airfreighted from the empire that I guarantee it would match your preference.”

“Let’s go.” Eijiro nodded and walked towards the black cars at the back.

In one of the private rooms of the hotel, Sandoval was knee sitting on the tatami with Eijiro. His smile was gentle and cheerful.

“Mr. Chiba, after killing that man, you need only to bring that woman to me. I only want that woman alive, as for what happen to her…I’ll not ask a word.” Sandoval took a sip of the sake and spoke obscurely.

Eijiro lifted his head and shot a profound look from his cold eyes. “I suppose young master means to let me enjoy that woman first?”

“I initially wanted to give her to Mr. Chiba after a round of discipline, yet she failed to appreciate my kindness and contradicted me over and over again, therefore I could only let Mr. Chiba take care of the trouble.” Sandoval spoke blandly. “Mr. Chiba need not be courteous to her. If you’re fond of her until then, I have no problem letting you take her, as long as you give me some time to let me have the thing I want.” Sandoval placed a few photos on the desk while saying.

Eijiro picked up the photos and they were all obviously regarding Greta Sandoval. She had a curvy figure, sexy and bewitching looks, especially her alluring long legs in the photos. Even a slight instinctive desire had aroused in Eijiro who used to have a composed gaze. “Don’t worry, young master,” Eijiro said with a not so fluent Chinese, “They’re just some sick men of East Asia. It’s a piece of cake.”

“Good, then I’ll wait for Mr. Chiba’s good news.” Sandoval picked up a slice of sashimi and put it into his mouth. The corner of his lips curved profoundly. The night in the Ocean City would no longer be peaceful.

It was late at night. An S-class Maybach car slowly went to a stop at the side of the road.

On the street which was ablaze by the street lights, a charming woman stepped out of the car and headed towards a nearby hotel while stepping on her own shadow. Leila followed immediately after parking the car. She stayed at Greta’s side all the time and looked around cautiously after they walked into the hotel, watching out for any possible danger that might occur at anytime.

Greta walked into a reserved suite while Leila guarded the entrance. Greta noticed Mr. Baron had already sat inside the suite when she walked in. “Mr. Baron, it’s my fault for being late. I just encountered the evening peak.” A trace of guilt was seen on Greta’s face when she sat down.

Mr. Baron threw a glance towards her and noticed she did listen to him tonight as expected. She looked unbelievably sexy in her dress, even Maxwell who had gotten married for three months did not encounter such a sexy, goddess-like President Greta before.

She was wearing a black lace uniform which looked like some sort of sexy lingerie. Her attractive cleavage was seen under her snowy and tender neck, and her long legs were exposed under her tight-fitted skirt.

The sharp contrast of her black outfit and white skin was highly seductive, and any man who saw this would bleed their nose fiercely.

Greta had gone all out. For the sake of the Sandoval Group, Derrick and her family, she forced herself to wear highly revealing clothes and endure Mr. Baron’s blatant and almost lascivious look.

Mr. Baron did not utter a word and was locking his eyes on Greta’s sexy dressing while breathing fast, especially during the moment she sat down. The tight skirt was extremely short. If she had not closed her legs and had opened a little instead, he would be able to see her private part.

“Mr. Baron, Mr. Baron…” Mr. Baron only pulled his mind from his secret desirous thought back to the present when Greta called him softly while enduring his blatant look. “Greta, your dress today looks really nice.” He praised and his eyes inevitably moved down. His eyes almost clung to her exposed lap.


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