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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 59

Young Master Sandoval squeezed his phone and squinted. There was a cold light in his eyes. “A waste like you dare want to take my life? You’re not even qualified to do that!” He spoke coldly with a cruel look. “Young master, that waste has been too arrogant.” One of his subordinates chimed in.

Sandoval turned his head and looked through the window. He then rumbled. “Go find Eijiro Chiba and take him to me.” He was pulling a long face as he could not accept the fact that the plan he had devised carefully was destroyed easily by Maxwell. His plan was perfect yet it had failed. How could that happen? Having used to be all powerful in the capital city, he had never felt that disadvantageous like what he had experienced in the Ocean City before. It seemed that his fate had started to change ever since he met Greta and Maxwell from the matrilocal marriage. He was the god’s favored one who was born with a silver spoon in the capital city yet he had been humiliated without mercy in the Ocean City!

Give someone an inch and they would take a mile. Sandoval’s look was as cold as ice and he could not bear letting Maxwell saying he wanted to take off his head at all.

It was late at night. A car slowly went to a halt at one of the ports in the Ocean City. Someone got down the car in a hurry and rushed towards a ferry at the port. It was Eijiro Chiba and he was like a drowned mouse, no longer had the arrogance he possessed when he first came to the Ocean City. He knew very well how big a trouble he had caused and he dared not to stay in Ocean City any longer. He had to hurry up and leave China as far as possible.

China to him was solely an inferior land gathered with a bunch of East Asia sick men and he would not have expected the birth of an ace on this land. He initially thought he would have a great time in China yet he never expected a fierce dragon had lurked there, and it was a super dragon that could make the sea shuddered and the dark realm toppled.

Maxwell wanted him to commit suicide by cutting his belly, but how could he really give up his life? With Maxwell’s identity that horrifying, why couldn’t he hide away from him? As long as he left China and Japan as far as possible, and concealed his identity anywhere overseas, he would be able to survive.

Eijiro suddenly slowed down when he saw a shadow appearing somewhere nearby. His eyes turned cold as the port had already closed in the evening and he had risked climbing the fence just to reach there. The moment he noticed the comer, the hair all over his body uncontrollably bristled because his instinct told him the comer was extremely dangerous. He was deeply shocked. There was already a fierce dragon lurking in China, how could there still be someone that powerful? When had China become that powerful?

With a shaking heart, Eijiro unsheathed his blade. He gritted his teeth and darted towards the comer. His long blade pierced through the air and an ear-piercing sound of the wind was heard. He showed up at the back of the comer at the blink of an eye yet the comer suddenly vanished from the place he stood. Eijiro’s blade came to nothing and he was shocked. His sword skill was beyond excellence and though he thought there was no need to bring his sword during this trip, he still brought his blade. And since the sword and the blade belonged to the same family, his skill when using the blade was also outstanding.

The speed he waved his blade was too quick that it was impossible to dodge, unless the comer had a far greater capability than his. Eijiro’s heart plummeted upon thinking that. He turned towards the comer while trembling and it was the handsome young man that had entered the mansion who appeared to have a really good relationship with Maxwell too. The handsome young man was standing there calmly and smoking. The strong and unusual fragrance from the cigar lingered in the air and made Eijiro downhearted.

“My boss made me keep an eye on you, and I never expect you would dare launch an attack.” The man lit up his lighter and the weak flame brightened his charming feature. “Your boss, who is he?” Eijiro asked calmly. “Who do you think? My boss lets you cut your belly yet what are you doing here at the port?” The man spoke blandly with his expression growing gloomy eventually. The corner of his lips curved into a disdainful smile and he continued. “Do you really think you can get away with this?”

With a roar, determination flashed across Eijiro’s eyes and he waved his blade with an intense urge to kill. “You’re looking for trouble!” The man leaned his body slightly to the side and with a cruel look, he smashed his palm straight into Eijiro’s chest. A thunderous bang was heard and as if being struck by lightning, Eijiro was repelled almost hundred steps away by the horrific force. He kept on coughing blood and there was only shock in his eyes.

“Who on earth are you?” Eijiro asked reluctantly with a coarse voice. “You don’t have the right to know.” The man replied while blowing out a billow of smoke with a fierce look. “I’m here to execute the Dragon Lord’s order. Do it.” He continued coldly.


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